
Why didn't the C.I.A kill Vladimir Putin?

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Why didn't the C.I.A kill Vladimir Putin when he was president? He sold nulcear tchnology to Iran and he sold weapons to Venezuela. He vetoed of sanctions against Iran. And he threated to nuke European countries




  1. There is no difference between the actions of Russia and the actions of the US- only the names are different.

      If the order was given to the CIA to kill Putin , the order for the KGB to kill Bush would then go out. Only luck would determine the outcome.

  2. A presidential executive order prohibits assassinating foreign leaders.

  3. Come to think of it, the only govt that is pointlessly creating enemies is the USA. Russia wants to make friends.

    What the h**l is the point of votes if the US govt is the is authoritarian police of the world? is what your pathetic comments sound like.

  4. ok are you high????

    First US is responsible for the same things, who do you think helped Israel build NW, US has sold weapons to many rogue regimes and it is usually US that vetoes any resolution when it doesn't suit US.

    Then how do you think CIA would've killed Putin . . .  and how hard do you think it would be for KGB to kill Bush!

    I suggest cutting down on c**p(fox) news.

  5. HA HA HA - ur fucin funny. you think the Russians are inferior? Russians can assasinate anyone. PLUS there is no policy in russia to leave forign leaders alone. unlike the US

  6. They have a new KGB you know and it is directly under Putin's control.  Our unseen leaders tell our spokesman president what to say, you think they want their cover blown ordering illegal coups even if they could get away w. it?

  7. I remember when the government of the USA participated in the assassinatation of Patrice Lumuba the democtratically eleceted leader of the congo. Also, the government help over throw the leader of Iran Muhammad Musadeq and replaced him with their own dictator(Shah of Iran), who served their purposes.

      Considering that this governement has killed both domestic and foreign leaders, I don't know why Vladimir Putin wasn't killed?

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