
Why didn't the Democrats Vet Obama better now that we now know that he was on the same Board as William Ayers?

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This past week was significant in terms of hard, concrete documentation which came out of the archives of the University of Chicago Library which shows that Obama was more than an acquaintance of Bill Ayers, but Obama was in fact on the same Board of Directors of the foundation and they both signed checks together. Anything on Sarah Palin is insignificant and pale in comparison to this Obama finding. Why didn't the Democrats vet their candidate better because within the next 60 days, he will surely lose the campaign over this fact which is about to be circulate nationwide.




  1. They were on THREE BOARDS together and Ayers even had a campaign party for Obama!    Most of the truth will come out closer to the election, they wait till then for the really bad stuff.      Obama even lied when asked about Ayers during the primary.   Obama said his kids were friends-  Ayers kids are GROWN UPS!- LIE!

  2. Al Gore lost the Election for his speaking skills and it seems the Democrats picked Barrack Obama for only his speaking skills and nothing else mattered.

  3. LOL! same board together. This Ayres garbage is stupid.

    The Rezko revelations have some interest, although it doesn't appear more than Rezko having the door open a little wider for him and  he was a groupie to politicians as much as anything.

  4. The fact that they sat on the same board isn't news.  Neither chose the other for the board so what difference does that make?

    They both taught at the Univ of Chicago - in different schools of the university.  And?  There must be hundreds of faculty members there.

  5. The public vets a presidential candidate and he passed. Ayer isn't a boggle man in the closet. He's a respected professor who served his time for what he did 40 years ago as a Vietnam War protester. If he was the danger to society some Republicans claim then where is Bush's Home Land Security? Why has he not been locked up? Duh, because he's not the smoking gun some Republicans wish him to be; he's not even on the watch list.

  6. Stupidity.

  7. Rich: You're confused. The Republicans have the vetting problem with their VP choice. Referring to the word vetting only reminds voters of the poor choice McCain made. If McCain is elected, we can only hope that they do a better job on his appointments than he did on his VP...If not, maybe he would become the 2nd worse president in history after Bush.

  8. Being on the same board does not mean they share the same views

  9. That's it? They were on a board together for a while?


  10. Wow, they served on a Board together.  A charitable Board at that.  Phil Graham's wife was on the Board at Enron.  McCain's longtime friend and economics adivisor is Phil.  Lay was on the Board at Enron.  Any poor associations there affecting questions of character or judgment.  I didn't think so.

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