
Why didn't the English rugby players surround the ref, screaming and shouting when the 'try' was ruled out

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Don't they watch the football?




  1. Because they are not so over pampered, over paid, over protected or over hyped as the morononic footballers who think they are gods gift to all.

  2. Firstly, Video replay was extensively used by the match official (other than referee) who deemed the try was not valid.

    Secondly, Rugby players in general has far greater respect for referees than footballers. Maybe because rugby as a sport requires referees to be playable. (You can play football without having a ref no problem.)

    Finally, even in football screaming at refs make no difference. (at least theoretically) If they repeated this at rugby, the player who abused the ref would be sin-binned and captain would be cautioned for failing to control their players.

  3. Basically footballers have lower principles, and they seem to still think that the ref will change his mind, even though there is no chance of this happening, in rugby the players understand this and are more controlled. Strange when they get paid so much less!

  4. Because they are Rugby Players.

  5. The English Rugby palyers must abide by a code of conduct and sprotmanship is expected and demanded from any one who plays on that level. It would be a gross misuse of conduct to scream and shout at the ref because you do not agree or like a play or call. possibly resulting in penalty.

  6. 1. i am south african so you know my comments are NOT going to be biased. hehehe

    2. the replay showed that he touched the side line. that means out, not over.

    3. if they surround the ref, that's being stupid (oh please dont play like a team with no sportsmanship in rugby and football, as i wont mention the teams).

    3.1 check this "Any back-chat to the referee is punished by moving the penalty forward 10 yards"

    4. i think the score was 15-6. ooo, if you add 7 points you get 13 points. still 2 points to get to 15.

    4.1 yes i know if they got the try there there will be a 'spirit boost' for the english but i dont think it will revert the game. south africa played a heavily defended game.

    5. that 2nd half was so boring, nothing special. it's kinda like tennis. balls flying from one half to the other. only 1 thing to mention is that why did the english pushed percy out towards the scoreboard and then he bumped into the camera and im sure the whole video camera broke coz it kinda flew off the tripod/stand. why...

  7. Indeed they do watch football during their "How Not To Behave Towards Authority Figures".

  8. Because they're not football players and they know how to behave.

    And, something a lot of footballers would do well to remember, shouting at referees doesn't get them to change their mind it gets you a yellow card.

  9. Because they knew it was out!!

  10. Because they have more brains than footballers? They realise that any amount of protest was never going to reverse the decision however biased and wrong it was!

  11. The ref had bad B.O. & Bad breath, they figured they would be ok if they didn't have to smell it one more time.

  12. I'm not sure that everyone has realised that your tongue appeared to be rather firmly in your cheek when you asked this question.  It made me laugh out loud.

    I have always been told that rugby is a game for thugs played by gentlemen, and that football is a game for gentlemen played by thugs.

  13. This is not football you know!!! Rugby players are taught about conduct and respect for officials right from the age of 5 when they start. Perhaps if the FA did this to the spolit overpaid underrated cheating "pro" footballers then maybe it would be a far better sport to watch and be involved in.

  14. cos dey wouldent be able 2 make it dat far without having a hernia

  15. Because if they do most of the players will be sent to the sin bin, also rugby players don't cry like baby if they get tackled and also rugby is miles more physical than ponsy football. It is not up to them if it is a try it is up to the posh, rich guy who decides if the ref did not see the try and to ask for his help to decide.


  16. discipline,dignity,intelligence and class, something footballers are sadly lacking

  17. Rugby: A game for hooligans, played by gentlemen! Contrast with football...... :-)

  18. First of all it is not football, it is rugby

    Second of all it was not a try. His foot was out before he placed the ball, and even if England did get the try they still would have lost by 2 points.

  19. because they are men and can take it .how often do you see rugby players crying to the ref unlike football players who are overpayed cry babies

  20. Rugby - A game played by gents with odd shaped balls!

    football players tend to be more like thugs!

  21. Rugby isnt like soccer and they have the benefit of action replays to determine a dispute.,but rugby always was a game where decisions were accepted it stems back to the public schools attitude to discipline

  22. y do we say sorry when  someone stands on are foot ?????????????????????

  23. Rugby players are civilised unlike football players

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