
Why didn't the Packers just give Brett his job back?

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Brett traded to Jets




  1. Exactly!  The owners let a personal grudge with Favre go too far and now their team will pay for it!  Rodgers is gonna stink!

  2. because they've moved forward. Like many others said already, he had several chances to come back but denied it everytime. That's when the Packers just ignored it and moved on.  

  3. Favre flip-flopped a couple of times this year (and a few times in years before).  Once he said that he retired, the Packers sent Mike McCarthy and Ted Thompson down to Mississippi to try to talk him out of retirement.  After that visit, Brett said that he would definitely come back to play for the Packers.  So, we tailored our draft plan around having Favre back and told him that we would make an announcement a couple of days after the draft.  Two days before the draft, Brett calls the Packers and says that he is retired for good.  So, we tailor our draft plan around not having Brett back and draft two solid quarterbacks.  Now, he wants to come back to the Packers, and he expects open arms.  I, for one, am glad that the Packers said no to him.  He's taken advantage of the Packers in the previous years.

    I love Favre and I love the Packers.  But, I love the Packers more than I love Favre.  I wish him luck in New York, and I hope he realizes that Jets fans won't be as loyal to him as Packer fans have been to him in the last 16 seasons.

  4. you don't "give " someone their job back when they've stepped down and you've moved foward. I don't care who you are.If brett wanted to come back, he should have done so before the draft. Don't let a team draft 2 QB's before you decide you want to come back.

    I would have loved for Favre to come back to GB and retire officially here if he would have never retired and showed up a week before training camp.  

  5. Because Brett didn't want the job back. It may be hard to believe, but once the Packers showed it would be an open competition and that he didn't have complete control of the organization like he use to, he wanted out.  

  6. i think that is soooo crappy but i hope they regret it big!

  7. rodgers will thow 5 INTs the first game

    c'mon people

    when bart starr retired it took the packers a long *** time to get a good qb(in fact it took till the 90's)

    and rodgers doesnt look like favre's successor

  8. If you can't see why you don't understand the game.  It is not his job to get back, HE RETIRED.  HE LEFT GB.  HE LEFT GB, GB DID NOT LEAVE BRETT.

    GB needed to move on, they needed a new game plan with a new leader.  You don't change you're platoon leader in the middle of a fire fight.  Same in footbal, preparation is year round.  When brett retired he left a void in GB that needed to filled ASAP.  Once the hole is filled, there is no void 'NO JOB FOR BRETT TO COME BACK TO".  He was offered millions by GB not to play and he wanted back, how stupid can that be?  You get millions not to play, where do I sign?

    Football is a business, a multi million dollar business per player.  We're not talking replacing a cashier at the local fast food joint, we're talking million dollar deals per player.  All the cards were in place for GB,  there were no more cards to play and Brett wanted in the game.  Sorry, GB played all the cards and there were not more to be delt to Brett but he was to stupid to see than.

    At this point in his carrer Brett Favre is a legend in his own mind.  If you think that Brett  will take the Jets to the Super Bowl think again.

  9. Aaron Rodgers is gonna do just fine as the Packers QB. He deserves the job and has earned it... and has handled himself very professionally during this whole saga with the exception of one or two slip ups. Favre is nothing but a baby who was used to being in charge... you can't retire, have your organization ask you to come back and say no... THEN a few months later when you get the "itch" change your mind after they have already moved on and promised the starting job to a very deserving replacement. I understand he's everybody's hero in Green Bay and I am not sure how I would respond to the situation if the same thing happened to Brady 10 years down the line, but the Packers did the right thing.

    GO PATS!!

  10. Because he had promised that he was done and was retired. so they took his word, because they trusted him, and moved on with rodgers. Favre's been so spoiled by Green bay, that he has the mentality that he can come and leave as he pleases, which green bay has been allowing him to do for years. But just because they said no, he couldn't take it, acted like a baby, and wanted to go to a different team. whatever, he's such a d**n drama queen, it's so stupid.  

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