
Why didn't the coach stop this?

by  |  earlier

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There was hockey try outs today and two guys were getting really mad at each other. They both WERE probably going to make the varsity team but then they broke out into a fight on the ice. They started hitting each other, punching each other, and tackling one another to the ground. While this was happening everyone was cheering them on and the coach that was on the ice just stood there to watch them duke it out. Why do u think he didn't break up the fight and would most hockey coaches not do anything? Is this just high school hockey???




  1. Let them finish there fight, then give them there punishment when there done. Seriously, why would you stop a fight between two guys, let them work it out ( unless if becomes life threatening).  

  2. if its my team... i let them fight.  ask if they worked everything out, and tell them they can go tell their parents they dont have to drive them to hockey for the rest of the winter.

  3. Fighting like this is actually healthy for athletes, it gets there frustration out, and it resolves things quickly, and for athletes under pressure, its natural to get mad, and after a fight, you usually cool off, and it prevents one of the players from throwing a cheapshot, because while fighting, both players can expect a punch to the face, and they have a chance to defend themselves

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