
Why didn't the guards in the US embassy in Siberia open fire?

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This is starting to become a pattern. Last time a US embassy was attacked the guards did not open fire as well. Is there some rule that they are not allowed to open fire or something? If so why are they even issued fire arms if they are not allowed to shoot them. Or better yet why do they even post marines in the first place if they are just gonna let the place be over run? Why not just get some cheap security force to stand watch.




  1. They would have run out of ammo before they killed the crowd, and it would have been a major international incident.  The rioters were not attacking occupied areas, no Americans were at risk.

  2. siberia lol

    and 4 people didnt realize his mistake

  3. SERBIA and SIBERIA are totally different things my dear friend. Serbians were bombed by US /NATO troops during the war. Thousands of victims. We have to stop it finally and leave Serbians to solve the problems with Kosovo. It is not US duty at all. Kosovo is a cradle of the Serbian state and they will never let this piece of land out of the own State. Kosovo's recognition is very big mistake.

  4. What did a U S Embassy in SIBERIA get over run?? d**n this is a pattern, the other day it was one in SERBIA.

    I'm beginning to think it is happening more and more because Bush doesn't want to draw any more flack from the voters and really sway the election the other way.  A hold fire order from the Chief Executive is pretty hard to ignore.

  5. There was no US personnel at the US embassy at the time it was attacked so there was nothing much to protect.  It is just a building so why put people in harm's way for nothing?

  6. Probably because we have a consulate in Siberia, in Vladivostok, not an embassy and so far the Russians have never attacked it.

  7. The answer is simple: they didn't open fire becasuse there's no US embassy in Siberia.  (sorry, couldn't help it)

  8. They should have toasted them. Any permanent diplomatic mission is the sovereign soil of the nation the permanent diplomatic mission represents. It would have been the same as if that crowd was storming the post office on US soil.

  9. there was no imminent  loss of life  for the diplomatic  corps   they were evacuated    no sensitive material  nothing but  expandable marines  should have they come  under   firearms fire  bet your *** they would have  defended themselves  beside  we always have the host country   do the  shooting aside from this    the big country would ahve had  a good excuse

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