
Why didn't the media thoroughly report on Barack Obama the way they are reporting on Sarah Palin?

by Guest21221  |  earlier

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Why didn't the media thoroughly report on Barack Obama the way they are reporting on Sarah Palin?




  1. Really? Where were you when Fox News was covering the stupid email forwards you morons were obsessed with? How about Fox News dedicating hours to the "fist bump"?

    Baracks stories were non-stories. This story about Palin is direct contradiction to the c**p she wants implemented into our schools. I think the Republicans are only capable of seeing what they want to see and ignoring everything else. The Republicans are so stupid because they think nobody will notice if there is glaring hypocrisy in their agenda.

  2. It would be a whole lot worse if he had a teenage daughter that's pregnant.

  3. Are you out of your mind? They have been talking about every detail of Obama's life throughout this campaign.  

  4. They did where were you during the primaries?

  5. What! And be called a racist by Obama and the bots!  They'd rather chew glass first.

  6. Oh please.  Every time the media finds something new and interesting on Obama, they talk about it.  The problem is that there just isn't all that much on Obama.  Everything that anyone in these forums has said about him as been on the news at one point or another, much of it has been debunked, and that's about it.  Palin's getting the same treatment, except none of it has been debunked.  The only reason Obama hasn't gotten the same bad press is that most of the things they've said about him have been proven false or unimportant, so unlike with Palin, these just don't seem to stick around.

  7. scared of the racism....

  8. Surly you jest!  That or you see what it is you’d like to see, and not what is before you.

  9. Are you living under a brick?  Obama's been through the ringer.  Palin's being vetted by the media and the general public because McCain's people didn't bother.

  10. the media seems to be liberally biased. not only on Obama but on liberal ideals as well. children can watch men kissing on afternoon soaps and homosexuals are in the daily comics now. the liberal agenda is being forced on Americans by all the media. some of it insidiously some in your don't look for much criticism of the liberal candidates.

  11. You're kidding right?.....

  12. So the whole Reverend Wright,Muslim,Rezko,William Ayers was not thoroughly reporting? Not to mention the elitist comments?

    Sarah Palin is the VP candidate,and it turns out that McCain didn't vet her thoroughly.So the media has taken it into their own hands

  13. The tank is the tank,  

  14. Because they are openly and shamelessly campaigning for him.  

  15. Are you ******* serious?! Throughout Obama's entire campaign there has been nothing but rumor spreading, connecting his camp with random individuals, and insults to his wife. The media does this to every candidate, it's nothing new.  

  16. Because they love him.

  17. same reason During coverage of Sarah Palin accepting to be John McCain's running mate, MSNBC ran a graphic. Under the banner of "BREAKING NEWS," MSNBC put on the screen, "How many houses does Palin add to the Republican ticket?"

    its all about supporting their party.  If they have to destory a person to do it so be it.

    COUNTRY FIRST right libs.

  18. You must have quit your newspaper subscription and your TV was on the blink during the Rev Wright fiasco.

    My question is why hasn't the media covered McCain's top campaign officials like Charlie Black, who are lobbyists who have worked for dictators, murderers, and terrorists?

  19. they did, turns out obama is not religouis fanatic and palin is

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