
Why didn't the pilgrims sail south instead of spending the freezing winter on the ship?

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Why didn't the pilgrims sail south instead of spending the freezing winter on the ship?




  1. Even more curious is why they didn't land and get supplies.

    It was not as if they were in totally unexplored country even at that time.

    Where they did eventually land and settle was on the site of an indian village that had been wiped out by smallpox.

    I think the problem was that they did not have a valid land grant.

    They had a charter for the Plymouth area but were not sure about it being good.

    If they had gone south to Virginia they would have been punished as traitors to England and south of Virginia was still Spanish country

  2. I don't think their maps were up to date!  They knew that there was land within their sight, and didn't want to risk sailing into the unknown.  If they had had any idea that if they went to Florida, they would have been better off, they probably would have gone there, but as it was, they didn't have the knowledge that we do.  Hind sight is always 20/20!

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