
Why didn't the rhythmic gymnasts use a ball in the olympics?

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I was watching the olympics and the rhythmic gymnasts weren't using a ball as one of the aparatusses. Does anybody know why?

Please don't guess. I want the actual answer.




  1. There are a total of five apparatuses used in rhythmic gymnastics; ball, ribbon, hoop, clubs and rope. However, only four of those are used in the Olympic games. The FIG chooses to eliminate a different apparatus each Olympics; this Olympics, it was the ball,

  2. They did use a ball i saw it maybe you missed it or something. They use 5 pieces of apparatus for the rythmic gymnastics.

  3. There are 5 apparatus used in rhythmic gymnastics but only four are used during any given year.  This year the apparatus being used at the senior level are:

    - clubs

    - rope

    - ribbon

    - hoop

    The ball will be added next year and the clubs taken out of rotation.

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