
Why didn't this happen under the (supposedly pro-feminist) Clinton administration?

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  1. Because there weren't any three star women then, and people within the army were lax about promoting them? Some things take time for people to accept

  2. If it happened under a feminist government than it would be tokenism which is wrong. It sounds like she earned the position and got the recognition she deserved.

    Too bad some cave men here can't understand the real world when even pres. Bush can.

  3. As if the federal government has that much control over the hierarchy of the Armed Forces.

  4. do you really think Clinton had respect for women while at the same time he was doing what he did to a young intern in the hallway of the oval office?  I think he has a pattern of less than acceptable behavior when it comes to women and that of course bled over into the way all women under his influence were treated when he was the Commander in Chief.

  5. There is probably a new quota for the army to put woman in top ranked functions.

  6. I pity the people who actually deserve the promotion.

  7. Because there wasn't a @$%$^& war going on to divert half the army leadership overseas.  

    And thumbs up to Molly B!

  8. A better question....why is this happening at all?

  9. If she was was given equal opportunity and not more then she earned that outcome. However, if it is a case of promoting a woman to a high powered position for the sake of promoting a woman to a high powered position then that's totally unjust and bias

  10. maybe she earned it? Say what you will about the republican party, but they usually pick people for one of two reasons. Friend of or former associate of kind of thing or because there that darn good.

            Look at Colin Powell he wasn't picked because of the color of his skin. He was picked because he was a good General.

           Look at Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin Republican. Did the Republican Party think of it as a big deal when she won the Alaskan Govenor race? Or some massive step forward? No. They seen it as a good person winning an election. She has the highest approval rating of any elected official in the country at 90%.(How many female govenors are there in the democratic party?)


    Even Rice isnt as bad as the female appointee's clinton made to his cabinet(and he picked them for only one reason because they where women and look how they turned out? Reno the butcher of waco?).

               Pennsylvania's National Gaurd is lead by Major      General Jessica Wright.

         She wasnt appointed because of her gender but because of merit,skill and leadership abilities.

            When people are put into posititions of power because of the color of there skin or there gender we all lose.

        No matter how much "progress" is made.

           Democrats made a big deal with Obama, and Clinton.

    Democrats always make a big deal about that stuff. I guess they are all closet racists are something

    (they are the party of slavery after all).

  11. okay shes a general who cant have a combat role pretty useless if you ask me

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