
Why didnt fox news report that dennis kucinich read 35 articles of impeachment against GWB monday night?

by Guest64944  |  earlier

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wait a minute...isnt bill o'rilley the "journalist" who refers to the intelligence service MI6 ans "M one 6"??? who's misinformed? ROFLFAO




  1. Because nobody cares.  Bush isn't going to be impeached; there are no grounds -- notwithstanding Dennis' drivel.

  2. Sorry to say, that doesn't really surprise me.  Most of what everyone seems to call the "national news" (fox, nbc, cbs, abc) has not really mentioned any congressman speaking/calling for impeachment proceedings or reading articles of impeachment and/or the like any of the several times it has occurred.  If they mention it at all it's merely in passing at best; unless a pundit chooses to bash or support it on some punditry show).  I guess you have to watch C-Span to get that kind of information anymore.

  3. they did. on o'reilly.  how uninformed are you??

    kucinich is one terribly important figure in US politics. kind of like snoopy.

  4. Because they are not CSPAN. Kucinich was interviewed on O'Reilly on Wednesday.

  5. They were too busy smearing Obama.

    If they did, the headline would be: "House members conduct impeachment practice drills to be ready for Obama's presidency"

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