
Why didnt they rebuild the Twin Towers after 9/11?

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I dont understand why they didnt. They talked about how were not going to let the enemy win, so they didnt they just rebuild the twin towers? Better yet..... why do they want to build a totally different building with a group of different other buildings with it?

Makes no sense, its like they were sick of the twin towers.. and... dont make me say it.......




  1. That is exactly what I thought.  It was bad enough realising that people I used to talk to every day were in that building  - it was worse that they didn't just put the building back up in record time.  

    I think the emotionalism of the time was pushed too far.  The message should have been to the terrorists you will never win, you have no chance of winning and there will be no lasting testiment to your life.

  2. me either. to me that means the terrorists win. They wanted to eliminate a SYMBOL of American capitalism forever, and by not replacing  they win.

    Them not there will be a constant visual reminder of their victory. Had we replaced them they wouldnt have that

    The practical answer probalby is that no one wanted to rebuild a target or work in it

  3. they are working on a new set of building designs.

  4. first of all it's about money, you are looking at the most expensive piece of real estate on earth. there were many investors in that project not only ny and nj. the plans for the new world trade center are already made and the only details which remain right now are 1. who will provide security, 2. the logistics problem(traffic) 3. the physical structure and proximity to street. all of these cause problems and slowdowns because anything added cost money and of course everybody wants to make sure that they are not the ones who say no to anypart lest something goes wrong and they get blamed.

  5. They leaving it as a monument for the next few years but are planning to build a tower on it called the Freedom Tower. It is supposed to represent a new start.

    Companies build skyscrapers but if someone would destroy it again, where would the profit be? That is why companies have kept away from the site because they do not want to lose money.

    But it would be stupid to attack the new site, there would be more security, it would be too obvious.

    It makes perfect sense once you think about it.

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