
Why didnt they show bernie laying in his casket and why was it not open?

by Guest56329  |  earlier

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Why didnt they show bernie laying in his casket and why was it not open?




  1. I with the person above me

  2. Bernie?????????????/

  3. His family didn't want to have an open casket service.

  4. We will be burying my sister this Saturday with a closed coffin. She never liked looking into an open coffin, so to honer her wishes and thoughts we decided to leave it closed for her. I'm sure there are a lot of reasons for having a closed coffin and this is just one.

  5. Same families do and some don't its not compulsory

  6. y does it matter 2 u??

  7. The families wishes.....

  8. some people dont like having them open

  9. bernie???????

  10. Bernie Mac? it was probally to hard on his family to see him

  11. Who is Bernie?

  12. This is neither a joke, nor a riddle

  13. cos he was cremated

  14. bernie.....................................

  15. Their families don't want his face exposed to the public (and who knows how many people were there with camera's attached to their shirts or hats ready to take snap shots of his face to post it on the net). But to be honest, I kinda wanted to see his face in the casket, just to take a last look at him before they buried him.

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