
Why do 10% of the worlds population owns 90% of the wealth and 90% of the population owns 10% of the wealth?

by Guest60248  |  earlier

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Why do 10% of the worlds population owns 90% of the wealth and 90% of the population owns 10% of the wealth?




  1. isn't that interesting?

    just bask in it. :P

  2. Because most people are living in under-developed countries, such as those in Africa (exceptions are Egypt, South Africa etc.). They are developing countries, and according to pattern, they have high birth rates. More people, but they are really poor.

  3. Because the 10% that own 90% of the worlds wealth are the greediest & are not willing to give up any of their creature comforts ~ even if it would benefit people living in a third world nation.

  4. Maybe the poorer group is under-educated, says things like "Why do 10% OWNS," and doesn't know how to use apostrophes.

  5. Can't you do maths?

  6. because of the counties..

  7. Because THE MAN is holding us down!

  8. because society can not exist to perfection, it's easier to keep the rich rich and the poor poor so the economy doesn't collapse.

    so much so that they use advertising and marketing to distract people's minds so they don't cotton on to the real problems. ethics are only applicable to the individual, they can't be applied universally, that makes way too much sense.

  9. Read the book guns, germs, and steel.

    But if you don't feel like reading, it's because of the way people have had to evolve, fight each other, and develop industry to survive.  The 10% that owns the world had to develop to survive, while the 90% that doesn't didn't have to develop to survice... hunters and gatherers, small battles but nothing more, etc.

  10. Want die mans gee die vrouens tekenreg op hul krediet kaarte! lol, joking. I don't know. the world is upside down that way!

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