
Why do 12% of Americans still believe Barack Obama is a muslim?

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In the latest survey conducted by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, 12% say Obama is Muslim, virtually unchanged from 10% in March. This misperception is not limited to voters who oppose Obama. Identical percentages of Republicans and Democrats (12% each) think he is Muslim, and the link between views of Obama's religion and their candidate choice vote is strongest among Democrats.






  1. His Dad was a Kenyan Muslem, His StepDaddy was an Indoneasan Muslem, and his Momma Sent him to a Madras.

    His "Christian Preacher" spoke a subject for twenty years, every week. Obama had no idea what he was saying. We cannot put him in that church, except for two baptisms and a marriage.

  2. Maybe they are trying to hint at some kind of conspiracy or they are playing on the xenophobia towards Islam in the hopes of discrediting him.  I think it is an insult to Muslims to imply that there is something wrong with Obama being a Muslim (which he clearly isn't anyways).

  3. stupidity ...NO Muslim would ever kiss a jewish holy wall and say a prayer to a jewish god ...just aint going to happen

  4. Because there's no disputing that Islam is in his background.  I understand he claims Christianity as his religoin now, and I will take him at his word..  But there is no disputing that he attended a Muslim school and has Muslim family ties.  This makes some people wonder if he'll be conflicted about how to deal with Islamic terrorists.

  5. He isn't muslim, he has attended the same church for over 17 years.  The pastor there says God D**n America and spews hatred in 'sermons'.  But he claims to not have heard any of the hate speeches Rev Wright gives.  And people are supposed to believe that?

    Obama is a socialist with marxist tendencies.  He wants to turn America into the welfare state where people are all living in govt subsidized housing waiting for the 3rd day of the month-liberal-hand-out check.  (your and my tax dollars)

  6. I would have to plead ignorance to that question, however, why would someone quit a church he has gone to for years because he's running for a political office.  Is there something that he wants to hide or keep from the public eye maybe?  Can a leopard change his spots?  

  7. It demonstrates the effectiveness of propaganda.

    If you repeat a lie more than 7 times at least 10% of the people you tell the lie to will believe it, no matter how ridiculous it is..

    If you convince 20% of them then the lie starts to become common wisdom and starts reinforcing itself with no more deliberate input.

    The web pages have provided places where pockets of belief can form.

    This is because many of these pages eliminate any inquiry or conflicting viewpoints to intrude.


    Yes, your You tube link nails it exactly.

  8. Because he fired his pastor.


  10. Because he proved he couldn't be a true Christian!

  11. Why do 51% think he will be a good President?

    And actually, according to Islamic tradition, a boy born to a Muslim father, whether the father is practicing Islam or not, is by definition a Muslim.

    And if that boy renounces Islam, he is the biggest sinner there is according to Islam.

  12. People are gullible.  50% once believed that Saddam was behind the attacks on 9/11.  Bush-Cheney-McCain didn't have to work that hard to convince them either.

  13. Because it lets them hate Obama without the guilt of feeling like they're a racist.

  14. Well, that's better than the 1/3 that thinks the creation story is literally true.

  15. Because all people believe stupid ****, and stupid people believe stupid **** even when it's obvious they're wrong..  

  16. He's not a christian.  So what is he?  Besides a sick person who believes it's ok to kill unborn children.  And let babies born alive from botched abortions just be left to die with no medical attention?

  17. Because they can.

  18. They are the same 12% who believe the world is flat.  Wouldn't worry about it.

  19. Uneducated is a better word for these Americans.

    Or southern hicks...(but I guess that'd be 2 words)

  20. its called ignorance ...  

  21. Because 12 percent of Americans are imbeciles.

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