
Why do 76% of the german people in germany prefer Obama over McCain???

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and why do they think they will like american policy better under Obama than the current President Bush?




  1. I don't really care what germany wants......they wont defend my country in a war, McCain will....


  2. Guilt.

  3. 1. The don't have to live with him as their president

    2. Don't forget that a similar majority of Germans loved Adolf Hitler too

  4. Don't know, don't care.  

    My guess, though, is that they are receiving the same biased media coverage in Germany that most of the US is.

  5. because their all socialist!their all weak on foreign policy!!!and euorpe is standing by while the liberals have destoried their contenent,and islam is slowly taken over from with in.

  6. Because basically germany are **** lickers and they never got really close to U.s like Britain did and so they think if they get really nice to barrack then they might have a better chance of looking better but they wont

    world war one and world war two against britain made the world dislike germany.

  7. What does it matter what the Germans care they are not voting! And plus there is a lot of u.s. embassies and military bases in Germany how do we no that half those people weren't just Americans cheering especially the ones waving American flags I'm sorry but as a nationalist i wont wave another countries flag those people that were at his speech were mostly American .....another thing is he apologized to Europe for being American and apologizing for going to Iraq...........which he has no business doing apologizing for Americans???

  8. The War on Terror will handled by whoever is in office. It's not like one guy will just set there and ignore it.

    Germany, like Japan, having spent time living in both countries, are very war reformed since the atrocities of WWII. The sentiment of their citizens is usually one of anit-War. McCain represents more war-loving Bush years so that's why they don't like him.

  9. Because the Germans like derelicts as evidenced through their wonderful choice to vote in Hitler. Therefore, this makes plenty of sense that the German fruit cakes, who none have any common sense, would love Obama.

  10. They like him because he paid attention to them.  Plain & simple.

  11. When Germany becomes the 51st state I suppose it will matter. Till then.

  12. Who cares? Are they voting in an American election? Maybe Obama should run for Chancellor of Germany, he would probably win that one.

  13. Respect for the U.S. around the world has suffered greatly under the Bush administration.  You can say you don't care what others in the world think; but, unless you're a complete isolationist, it does matter.  As do people in the U.S., Europeans see McCain as someone who is likely to continue the failed policies of the current administration.

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