
Why do 9/11 "truthers"...?

by Guest10771  |  earlier

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edit videos, they distort quotes, they manipulate scientific information, they lie constantly.




  1. Drugs are bad.

    Some people take drugs.

    Some of them take too many drugs.

    Then they post on Yahoo Answers.

  2. 9/11?

    What happend on 9th November?

  3. Some are confused or just not smart enough to see that reality no mater how many times you show them the truth movement is filled with lies or confront them with the real evidence and science.  They are believers, not political adversaries.

    Others believe the evil that they're fighting is that big, enormous and threatening it's justified to lie and distort at times and from their perspective it's even logical. When confronting an evil bigger than Hitler it is morally justified to lie to stop him. If the American government, the global elite, the illuminati, aliens or whoever they're blaming this week really carried out the nine eleven attacks, what they firmly believe, and is behind and planning all these awful things the conspiracy sites claim and fill these people's heads with lying and distorting wouldn't be that bad. It's comparable to the sentiment we, non conspiracy people, have about Bin laden. If we could get him I would not regret if we had to tell a lie here and there to stop him, that's how they feel about their enemy.

    A last minor reason is a lot of the "scientists" in the "truth" movement have a history of attention seeking and shady academic credentials

  4. I see what you're saying. There is a string of conspiracy theories about 9/11 being a planned demolition or what have you. Even politicians like Jesse Ventura have keyed in on this issue. But Ive seen the videos and I think no such conspiracy exist.

  5. probably because they are insane conspiracy theorists.

  6. Because of the many people who felt betrayed by their own government in terms of explaining in full detail about what happened, wanted more answers. Some people felt rushed into war and rushed into decisions that we had no time to decide what would be best for the people.

    As for me, these 9/11 conspiracy theories are silly.

  7. 9/11 conspiracy theorists are right to point out the lack of thorough investigation.  But there's also simply no hard evidence to support the theory.  Personally, I think if the Bush Administration wanted it to happen, the better tactic would be to just look the other way, and let the terrorists pull it off, not involve hundreds of people in a secret scam against their own country, placing explosives in the buildings and all this ridiculous and unnecessary chances to get caught or have someone blow the whistle.  It's just a wildly bizarre idea.  Why wouldn't they just let the terrorists do the work for them, and absolve them of any wrong doing besides negligence?  

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