Especially GISS to demonstrate the warming trend over the last 30 years, and more specifically to identify rate of warming and show that warming has continued unabated 1998.
Surface station measurements are contaminated by countless flaws and inaccuracies, whether its improper positioning, UHI effect or poor quality sensors. The whole of the Earth is clearly not entirely monitored and certainly not evenly or with an equal quality. Geographical constraints make it very difficult to get data for many areas.
Satellite data are far more accurate, cover the whole globe, land and sea evenly and are free from locational biases.
So why, then, do AGW proponents continue to use surface data, when they are clearly less accurate? Is it maybe because GISS and HadCrut averaged show marginally more warming than RSS and UAH averaged? Or because GHG theory says there should be 1.2-1.5 times as much warming in the lower troposphere than at the surface? Or because the satellites show no warming since