
Why do African Americans have to work so hard to be respected in America?

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Why all the mis trust? Whats the reason and be Specific with facts.Thanks in Advance!




  1. That's how it is in this world. I mean, because I am a woman, I am not getting the respect I should. The images they put of minorities in the media is ridiculous. It creates bad judgment and stereotypes. I understand what you are saying. With women, it's like "They shop. They talk about nails. They are naive. They have jobs like nursing, teacher, or anything having to do with nurturing." And so when men talk to women, they just assume that we are idiots, when the reality of it is that we probably know more that they do! Hope that helps.

  2. Because society has painted AA's with a large negative brush. The impact of slavery still affects us by & large as a community & thus into everything we do. For this reason, we have to work doubly hard to get the same respect due than our non-black counterparts.

    The kicker is this: you can either play the victim card or not. I choose not to play the victim card & as a black woman (a "double minority" if you will) sure there are plenty of odds against me as well as stereotypes galore.

    At the same time, I choose not to succumb to these stereotypes & f*** those people who just whine & don't want to get out of the hole they have built for themselves. Also, I could care less about what non-black people think of me too. Most black folks worry about what people (especially white people) think of them & they really shouldn't.

  3. People assume that any black kid with dreads and listens to Rap music is the next gang banger.

    corporate world who are primarily W.A.S.P.s don't like that image.  conform or be subject to discrimination. ...

    american assimilation at its best!

  4. Why do some African American's have such a massive chip on their shoulder? You shouldn't generalise like this, its so stupid. EVERYONE must work hard to gain respect and trust, not just blacks. There are plenty of whites and asians that I wouldn't trust because of them as PEOPLE not colour.

    Why must this be an issue with SOME black people all the time? If you want respect and to be treated equally stop going on about the colour of your skin because no one cares what colour you are!

    Grow up and stop playing the race card. Its people like you that cause racial stereotypes.

  5. b/c the majority of blacks are in prison...

    most black people do crimes. i know not all of them.! but they have that label in society.

    oh, about 70% of the black population is in prison. most are drugs, are in gangs..

    iunno you tell me if this is a coinincednce..


  6. Because there are so many black criminals. To earn your black people respect, you need to establish a reputation, understand?

    BTW, according my personal observations (may not be accurate), most African Americans are lazy compared to other people, maybe you work hard, but that doesn't change the statistics, that's why people still kind of mistrust you.

  7. They have to work hard for the same reasons that white people have to work so hard.  Blacks are the biggest obstacle to the success of Blacks.  They support scoundrels if they share the same color, so what are whites supposed to think.  I'm against anyone who works to destroy what is good no matter what their color is.   Too many minorities hang on to ties based on color, race or ethnicity.  Truthfully, there are plenty of white scoundrels, but most whites will openly denounce them.  

    Finally, the ideology of too many Blacks makes it impossible to take them seriously.  Obama or Clinton will hurt this country.  

    I respect plenty of Black people when they are human beings and Americans first.  If you boil it down it is not a color thing.  I would vote for Clarence Thomas or Thomas Sewell for president in a heart beat.  Yes, they suffer for their color, just as I suffer when people find out that I have schizophrenia.  Neither color nor schizophrenia is justification for cliqish and clannish exclusion.

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