
Why do Aliens always visit America ?

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Its not fair they shoud come and visit us in the UK as well !




  1. because they like to pick our crops and they hate mexico! personally i think we should deport them! but mexico doesn't want them back. believe me! they'd go to the UK if they made some boats! :-D lol jk

  2. Because Americans are the ones who believe in that c**p the most.

    They do "visit" the UK too, those guys who did all the crop circles for example. They were from the UK.

  3. Some "investigators" claim the U.S. government has a secret treaty with the aliens which allows them free abduction privileges in exchange for their technological support of the Masonic-Illuminati conspiracy that rules the world. That would indeed be a scoop. One wonders how Woodward and Bernstein missed it.

  4. lol,

    I think Because alien was made in America (american created Aliens)

    There's no Alien, its a hoax.

  5. Because they asked Alien Answers where was the best place to find intelligent people on Earth and nasty aliens from the Small Magellanic Cloud gave them the wrong answer.

  6. actually loads of people in wales have 'sighted' aliens too

  7. Because it begins with an A

  8. Have you seen Northern California in the Fall? Its not to be missed. Or NYC in the spring? If your apart of the alien version of the jet set, the warp set, the US is the place to be...

    Maybe you gents just need a travelers advertising campagne. "Come to Picadilly, or be Square!"

    In my opinion, the real answer is just that we have more nuts imagining more wierd stuff than you do!  So take it as a compliment that you don't have as many UFO sightings.

  9. Absolutely not:

    There is a famous case called: "Rendlesham"

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