
Why do American's become joyful at the news of increased violence in Iraq and bad news about the economy?

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They laugh and say "haha I told you so!" as if they are loving every minute of it.

Why? That's mean I think.




  1. This is a loaded question filled with bias and ignorance. American's don't become overjoyed when they hear about suffering, you fool. It only goes to show how painfully wrong the "leadership" is in the United States. However, no one screams in glee and ecstasy over the news that Americans are dying for no reason and the economy is going down the drain while the propaganda machine spouts "The surge is working!" and "We aren't really in a recession".

  2. it is the liberals, not the dems, that cheer for anything that makes bush or the cons look bad, at any cost.

  3. Perhaps you are misinterpreting, "HaHa I told you so" as happiness when it means, our govt is handling this badly and its going to get worse before it gets better. They have no suggestions because there is no solution. It will get worse. Protest, lobby, talk to your representatives, get involved. They will still do what they are going to do. The unrest between nations is growing. The economy deflated by oil prices is going to get worse. I'm not happy about it, but things are being done. Alternative fuels are starting to get cheaper, negotiations with terrorist sympathizers aren't going extremely well, but they are trying. The hatred is still growing in both directions. It's not happiness, it's apathy. "I cant do anything to stop it"

  4. Who are you talking to? You need a new group of friends or co-workers...

  5. The American people aren't happy about violence or a drop in the economy. We get upset about it just like anyone else would. Somehow I think it just doesn't surprise us anymore so maybe some people act like its not a big deal. No one would WANT these things though.

  6. They don't, although morons think they do.  Do you think they do?

  7. Some Americans have noticed that other Americans walk around with their rose-colored glasses on refusing to believe a problem exists until an official or the media gives them a cue saying it is okay to believe things are bad now.

    For those some Americans who knew this months and months ago it feels like you are talking to vegetables.  That can be quite frustrating.  I do not believe they are joyful at the news of increased violence in Iraq or the bad economy as they already knew this WAY BEFORE any official said so or the media.  Instead, they are just happy to know that you are FINALLY figuring it out but of course you are not really figuring anything out as usual; you are just soaking in sound bites.  Good to know that you are at least still able to soak something in.

  8. I think you have an error in your premise.

    The premise of your argument is the implication that they are Americans!

  9. Some sources would bolster your argument.

  10. You obviously never talked to me, my friends, my associates or co-workers or family. Just who are you talking too?

  11. I haven't seen any of this behavior you're referring to....are we talking about the same planet...

  12. You must be speaking of the American Bush haters.

    Many of them enjoy seeing the possibility of economic difficulties and more violence in Iraq simply because their agenda is failure driven.

    They want to be able to see the gloom and doom that they always predict come to fruition whenever there is a Republican in power.

    You'll notice that they wont say much of anything about the dismal job ratings of the majority they voted into congress in '06 in order to remove the 'evil' Republicans and make everything "right" again.

    They were hoodwinked by their own politicians, but as long as the Repubs are out, there is no problem.

    Edit: KMR, all you need to do is read some of the YA material and you can see that much of what most responders say to this particular question is true.

    Those posts are all the proof we need to determine the "facts" that you say we do not have.

    Be disappointed all you want, but until the "doomies" start behaving like adults instead of a bunch of snotty know it all "our government sucks" chanters and being totally disrespectful to anyone that disagrees with them it will continue to be "us and them".

  13. I am disappointed in all of you who make or respond to divisive comments perpetuating the 'Us vs. Them' mentality, and who seem to get great pleasure out of blaming any opposing point of view.

    When you make baseless statements without any FACTUAL information to support your opinion, it becomes a revelation of ignorance, particularly if you are complaining without offering any thoughtful solutions.

    There are bad guys and good guys on both sides of the aisle, my friend. My personal political views are progressive, but I have as much high regard and respect for Republican Senator Chuck Nagel, and Republican Senator Olympia Snow as I do for Democrats, Senator Barbara Boxer and Senator Henry Waxman, all of whom have risen above party divides to truly represent the interests of the American people. Do you guys even KNOW who those people are?

    "United we stand, divided we fall" is just as true today as it has been throughout our history. You owe it to the country you claim to love to stop the school yard bully behavior and start respecting your fellow citizens, whether or not they share your views.


  14. Joyful? Are they crazy?  Violence is never joyful.  What kind of people do you hang around with?!

  15. why do muslims rejoice at the death of americans and refuse to advance their culture so they don't live in abject poverty?

  16. d**k,

    I doubt there are a whole lot of people that become "joyful" during bad times, and those that do are just worthless scum. However, I think that many people do get a sense of satisfaction when these problems can be attributed to there political adversaries. For example, it has been pretty much verified that the media tends to cover the Iraq war more in bad times, and less in good times. I believe this is because of the media's (in general) strong distain for the president and this war. As for bad news about the economy, I think that some people get a kick out of the fact that most of the economic problems have been attributed to the president.

    As for Iraq, I am not informed enough to have much of an opinion. However, I know enough about the economy to know that the reason for its decline is because of the greedy savages at the banks, outsourcing, and a general lack of concern for the American middle and lower classes from the corporate level. Bush and his administration has played a big role in supporting these disgraceful business practices, but so has every president and congress, both republican and democrat, for many years.

  17. I would check out these so called 'Americans' you are talking too. They don't represent 99% of us who want the violence to be over so our troops can come home.

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