
Why do American's call Obama the "Anti-Christ"?

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I just wanted to understand why the Yanks call Obama the Anti-Christ. To me, he seems like a wonderful president!




  1. You have to understand the US brand of politics- down and dirty! The ones that are putting out this is the Republicans, trying to influence the voters It is not all Americans that feel this way- The politics have gotten so rotten that if it gets any worse, I will switch from supporting John McCain to supporting Obama.

  2. Because Americans are the stupidiest people on earth.

  3. Real Americans don't.

    It is only the Bush/McCain propagandists that say that.

    They are trying to manipulate people based on religious beliefs.

    They can't run on their record of failed economic and foreign policies, so they make up crazy stuff like this.

    Ironically, Pope John Paul II reportedly thought that Bush may be the antichrist.

    When you look at his policies and his associations, that makes sense.

  4. Some Americans call him the Anti-Christ because he is different.  He appears to have a brain and he is a good public speaker.  This is very threatening to the enormous number of double-digit IQ's in the US.

    Because he can't be criticized for his JFK-like attributes, he is picked at over things like his pastor; whether or not he wears flag pins; his wife's University thesis written years ago; his name.

    I think this is a perfect opportunity for Americans to show the world that they are smart enough to accept Obama regardless of his name.  Rejecting him over trivial issues won't make the American people look very intelligent.

  5. cause he is different.

  6. From my understanding people fear two things: change and the unknown. so, Obama represents both in his person. Also, there are still some lingering racial attitudes among some.

  7. Almost nobody calls him this, but he does have some of the characteristics that the "Anti-Christ" is reported to have.  Now as to being a wonderful president that is subject to opinion.  Many of his proposals were tried back in the 60's and 70's, they did not work then and created a lot of trouble.  So many people do not want his policies, it has nothing to do with him personally.  Many don't trust people who have been working all their adult life to be in politics.  Don't believe everything you see in the media, they only report "news" and put a spin on most that they do report.

  8. Half their country is made up of scary fundamentalists.

  9. Oh, who knows.  He isn't, though.  Everyone will be enthralled with the Anti-Christ when he gets here.  Everyone but those few that knew who he would appear to be before he showed his face, that is.

  10. We don't. We call him a phony, slick talking, Chicago lawyer, and professional politician. He is not smart enough nor leader enough to be the anti Christ.

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