
Why do American Footballers where all that padding whereas our Rugby chaps just wear a tshirt and shorts?

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I just think our Rugby chaps are proper men who don't padded shoulders to look menacing. Or do American Footballers have to wear it to avoid litigation??

As they say "where there's blame there's a claim!!!




  1. American football players are like 3 times the size of the little rugby boys so there for they hit a lot harder... Isnt rugby a girls sport anyways???LOL.. I would love to see a team of american football players and rugby ("chaps" ROFL) go at it... then you would see why we wear pads.

  2. coz they're chocolate......mostly soft ...and luv themselves..

  3. ive always thought about that and i think its simply we are tougher then they are


  4. I've played both sports, i reckon its because of the style of play, most people dont realise how much restraint goes into rugby, whereas if u watch american football, everyone dives head first into each other.

    And when u play rugby, ur trying to get the ball in open play, easiest way is to pull the carrier to the ground, in american football u just have to stop them running past you, easiest way to do that is to hammer them as hard as u can.

  5. Rugby players like to injure each other and have no reguard for safety

  6. Since most Australian Rugby players are inbred from thieves and  prostitutes it does not matter if they are protected.

  7. They wear all the padding because they're frightened of getting a little bruisy woosy

  8. Its supposed to protect them. I have seem player hurt by what is supposed to protect someone else. When I played rugby I thought it was safer that way.

  9. I don't know much about Rugby, but when a professional American football team is paying a player $12 million per year, they want to make sure he's able to play.

  10. Lets be honest... Yanky men are poofs!

    Thats why their big tough army/navy seals,  ALWAYS send in the 'SAS'... then claim the glory!

    "We are made of sterner stuff"... than hot dogs and french fries!!!

  11. american footballers are a holes. our rugby players are real men. Its a typical american fat and stupid thing. After one tackle they come off for a rest (too many cheeseburgers and steroids)

  12. because Rugby palyers are real men

  13. American footballers are girls!! Plain and simple!!

  14. Real men don't need pads.......only women do!!!!!

  15. Being as US Football is a bit more physical than rugby.... AF is a totally different sport, so the ball may be a similar shape but that's where the similarity ends.  Tackling is different, there's more blocking... Would you want a 350lb guy coming at you without protection?  I certainly wouldn't....

  16. Because Englishmen are more manly than American men.  They don't need padding.  And Americans are so pigheaded that their football players want to look as mean and intimidating as possible.  Kudos to Rugby players!

    P.S. I'm American.

  17. It's because American Football used to be stupidly dangerous before people started to get safety concious. In 1905 there were 23 football deaths, but nowadays football fatalities are rare.

  18. Our football players prefer to stay in the game for as long as possible as to appease fans and be there for important games. Unlike rugby and soccer, we prefer it if our players are not injured and are contributing to the game in their best healthy and physical states. I would like to see your rugby player play our football (270 lb. men verses 180 lb. men) in his usual rugby uniform and see how long he'll be wearing no protection. He'll be lucky if he doesn't end up in the emergency room.

    I go to college here in America and there are a lot of guys have played both football and rugby. It's just common sense because of the style of play that in football it'd be best if you wore protection.

  19. What they call "American Football" (which is a total misnoma, since it is not football!) is not even a proper sport, but part of the American show business. Very much like gladiator games in the Roman circuses.

    And since it is also dangerous, people try to protect themselves.

    Rugby is not without risks either, but truly a sport and not a silly show like almost all American "sports".

  20. us americans have 2 wear the shoulder pads bcuz of all the safety c**p put on them by the nfl and watever else organizations     but it is also alot more physical (depending on position) ,  and it takes a greater endurance level that is only greatered by wearing big bulky pads

  21. It is because the american football players are little wimps, unlike rugby players or real footballers.

  22. I reckon it's because American footballers can quite happily pile in head first, whereas generally it's the lower the better in Rugby, and of course head high tackles are illegal.

    I really hope I'm wrong and it's something to do with lawsuits!

  23. Probably because they are 2 completely different games. From an American rugger...

  24. coz they are poofs and we are hard

  25. rugby and football are similar, but they are two totally different games.  send your boys here to play some American Football with no padding, and see what happens.  don't worry, we'll have plenty of ambulances to haul them off.

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