
Why do American education standards keep out majority of students?

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In the City college of New York, for History, Professors only let 33% student pass.

In contrast, in China professors let all students fully get their educations.More than 50% Young people get at least 3 years higher education. But American only let 28% get a Bachelor degree,13%get associate degree.Generally speaking Americans are not less delegent than chinese students.

I really hope to get a BS degree, but now it is only a dream




  1. I would hope that no American college (or high school for that matter) would pass a student who cannot write a proper English sentence.  Nor one who cannot spell or at least bother to use spell check.

  2. I think a big difference is that in many of these other countries a degree doesnt mean as much.  A high school dropout can make more money than a college grad in china makes.  Many chinese families house many generations of family under one roof because they cannot afford to live in their own homes.

    And please don't tell me Americans are as diligent as Chinese people.  Those college kids work their asses off, 16 hours a day a lot of the time.  American kids you can't even get out of bed after a long night of world of warcraft to get them to attend class.  Or they stay up all night drinking beer, you wouldn't see that happen in a Chinese college.....

  3. what do you mean they dont LET people get degrees?

  4. I'm not sure where you got the idea that there is some organized plan to "keep students out". But it certainly won't help you in advancing yourself if you're convinced that your fate lay in the hands of someone else.

    Some things are just a matter of reality, not everyone can be in the NBA, not all people are cut out to be doctors. Be realistic; focus on your strengths and follow them wherever they take you.  

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