
Why do American sites and newspappers, put the USA in first place, based on and overall medal count?

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If you see the International Olympic Committee Criteria, their internet site, and every newspaper or site of the rest of the world, what really counts to determine which country is in first place, is the number of GOLD MEDALS.




  1. They do it by the total medal count. When China had the most medal count, they put China on top.  

  2. When YOU put up your American website and/or begin publishing your American newspaper you can list whichever country you wish at the top. In the meantime with all the America bashing going on in the world and on our own soil, allow us the pride of putting our Olympic athletes first.

    Yes I am proud of America. Why aren't you?

  3. Uh, because it's called a medal count.  Oh, and also because the US doesn't cheat.

  4. What the uneducated people from some of the other countries think does not matter because at the end of the Olympic Games, the total will show that their home countries were not good enough to beat China, Russia or the USA in total medal count.  

    Who cares if the IOC thinks that Gold Medal counts should overshadow silver and bronze?  The total of all three should be the basis of who's in the lead, and not only who earned the most golds.

    Earning any medal is an achievement in itself and these athletes had to train for about four years or less to make it to the games and qualify for their sports.

    I think that it's a petty question that does not matter.    

  5. the US media has been ranking countries by total medals won for many decades, there is nothing new about what we're doing. and trust me pal, we have no intention of changing the way we do things to please a bunch of whiney europeans, it wouldn't be the american way. to rank countries solely by # of gold medals won would be suggesting that silver and bronze medals don't matter. but guess what? they do

  6. S.A.M

    I love how other countries come on this board talking trash, no one bashing other countries but u.

    u can take anti american hate somewhere else

  7. They count total number of medals (gold, silver and broze). They don't just only count the gold medals. The U.S. has always done it that way.

    As of right now, the U.S. has the most medals won, but China leads in having the most gold medals.

  8. idk i guess we are a very biased country

  9. I think U.S do it by how many olympic medals overall the country has.

  10. i was just saying the same thing they are so d**n weird  

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