
Why do Americans Boo "O Canada" at NHL Games?

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I've always wanted to know.. is it because you think our teams suck, or do you think our country sucks? Or something else? I hear booing during O Canada at every NHL game that takes place in the States, I've always wondered why!




  1. Why do Canadians boo The American National Anthem at NHL Games?

    It's simple, because some people have no class, I personally would never boo any National anthem.

  2. no the canandians fans started this in the playoffs ,april 2002 against the BRUINS ,right after 9/11/01 NO CLASS CANADA !!!!!!!!!!

  3. I go to quite a few games and I have never heard that. If anything it's the Canadian fans who are disrespectful during our anthem.

  4. I don't know....but when I was at the Sharks game some ppl  we're booing the national anthem.  Then sharks fans got upset and booed during the O Canado song. That was first time I heard something like that. I personally think its rude.

  5. I have never heard Americans boo the Canadian anthem. I went to a game when carolina played montreal and no one booed. Maybe the game you went to the fans were just booing because it was not there team, but like i said i have never hear that before.

  6. Really? I've never seen that happen. At Hurricanes games, some people even sing along.

    Don't generalize due to one incident or something like that. It makes you seem stupid. and it's a major logical fallacy.

  7. I have never booed O Canada . In fact I sing it. I am an American. Down in Florida I have only heard the O Canada anthem booed once. That was only after some Canadians had booed the US anthem on National Television. The few that did boo were shouted down by the rest of us. It never happened again. It is very rude. Period

  8. Just to be fair, there were some Canadians booing the American anthem, too; most recently during the Habs/Bruins series. It sounded like half of the building was booing and the other half was cheering because it was a cheer that had a lot of heavy bass in it.

  9. I'm thinking it is more of a BOO towards the team, not your Country.

    I'm a Redneck Hillbilly yank and I sing along with O'Canada...our home and native land...well at least for as much as I remember.

  10. This has happened unfortunately both ways. In any case the participants were booed by the rest of the fans in the arena.

    Generally hockey fans are tolerant of each other's country and are respectful of each other.

    Now if I were Santa Claus and in Philadelphia I'd have a concern.

  11. Chalk it up to good ole alcohol. You just add some booze and fans get stupid. Its seems to happen in places that arent close to Canada, as opposed to the ones that border it. Heck, I knew the words to Oh Cananda, when i was 5 years old. Dont let dumb people ruin your image of a whole Country, alot of us like Canada...  Canadians do the same thing, and I just ignore it.. To each his own..

  12. Jealousy.  The Canadian National Anthem sounds so much cooler than ours does.  We should change our National anthem to "Free Bird".

  13. I have never booed any anthem - and that takes tact having lived in several countries and having had several family members murdered because they refused to cooperate with the enemy and/or were POWs during wartime (includes one who was decepated during the Battan Death March when the Japanese learned he spoke their language)

  14. depends on where you live. I have went to Sabres games and they always play O Canada regardless of the opponent because we're so close to Canada. I can't speak for the NASCAR region, but I would imagine that most northern states feel the same way.

  15. It started after montreal booed the american anthem and then the rangers fans booed the candian and in philadelphia there are a few boos and most people just give a polite clap then here our anthem. Certin people are idiots and do that i personally dont see the point in booing your anthem.

  16. You are mistaken.  The Canadian National Anthem is very rarely booed if booed at all.  I have heard The American National Anthem booed in every Canadian arena.  The worst booing happens during international games between the US and Canada.  American hockey fans have so much respect for the game that they will not disrespect the birthplace of the game.  The booing of the American National Anthem started during the first world cup of hockey back in 1996 (from what I can remember).  Before game 2 in Hamilton Ont the fans booed the US anthem from beginning to end.  Before game three in Montreal they booed even louder.  The US got even by winning the first World Cup of Hockey.

  17. i was at a game vs the oilers and nobody booed the canadien anthem(this is in dc im talking here.)  I like to hear the canadien anthem

  18. Heres a clip of Montreal Canadian fans booing the U.S National Anthem. It was the Montreal Canadians against the Bruins.

    Boston fans responded with applauding, and singing the "O Canada".

  19. I for one have never booed the canadian anthem.  In fact I sing both the Canadian and American anthem at games.  Why some people boo either, not sure.  Some may say country pride or some people think its boring.  I don't really know but another option is don't sing, stay silent.

  20. Anyone that boos the canadian or americain anthem is ignorant , uneducated and probably a nfl fan at heart.

  21. Never heard it happen.  We may be arrogant Americans, but we have enough class to not boo national anthems... I should hope.

  22. In Chicago, it is NEVER booed.  In fact, there are many people that sing along (I do) - and it always gets a great ovation when it is over.

    It's a good song.

  23. Depends on the state.  States that know there hockey appreciate where the players come from.  You will see booing in states like California etc, etc.

  24. I've never heard of anyone booing O'Canada. I have heard Canadians booing our national anthem (I think) on tv.  When the Sharks play Dallas we bood everytime they sang "stars" but I think that was the American Anthem we were booing.

  25. I have never heard anyone boo at any anthem in almost 50 NHL/WHL games in my life.

  26. As someone mentioned already, here in Buffalo, we have a pretty even mix of american and canadian fans, so we always play both regardless of where the team we're playing is from.

    As a personal note, many born and raised Buffalonians proudly sing both anthems... since we are so close to each other, many canadian fans I have met since along to ours too.

    I guess it depends on where you are and how classy the fans in any given area are at the time.

  27. Well there are some very classless Americans out there who think it's alright to do that. And sadly there are some classless Canadians who do the same! Hopefully one day they all realize to respect other nations culture!

    There is a difference between being Patriotic and being Classless!

  28. They weren't booing, they were chanting:

    "Booo-urns Booo-urns!!"

    But seriously I think it goes both ways and only happens in a few cities during the playoffs when emotions are high.  I go to Kings games all the time, and hear nothing but cheers for O'Canada when canadian teams are in town.

    I think the first time I heard something like this was during a basketballl game, maybe Toronto @ Philadelphia.

  29. I've heard Canadians booing the American anthem. I've heard Americans booing the Canadian anthem. There are idiots everywhere, and because of those idiots it makes a whole nation and all the hockey fans from that region look bad. The people who boo anthems are stupid and know nothing about the game.

  30. You have never heard that, and I doubt you've attended or seen every game ever played in a US arena. Montreal, however...

  31. I think you're not hearing what you think you're hearing ... not many Americans know any words of the CNA past 'Oh Canada' and so they hum the rest and it just sounds like boos.... hey, it could happen..... lol

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