
Why do Americans NOT enjoy the outdoors?

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My husband and I are very outdoorsy but when looking around at other people they don't do half of what we do. They only watch their favorite tv shows like football. They don't know what a park is. They don't understand why they'd even walk in a park or would rather watch tv. Never leaving the house.

Do some Americans do outdoor adventures and exercise on a daily basis?




  1. I'm not one of them. I too, enjoy nature. But I'm amazed (& thankful) at how empty the parks are, even on nice weekends.

  2. Yes, some American do.  A lot of American are fat and lazy and watching TV is their favorite "activity".  

  3. I'm an American. I go through a park for my run every morning. I love to hike and go horseback riding. I also love to go kayaking.

  4. I don't think that's necessarily true at least not in my neck of the woods.

    If you were to come to the Pacific Northwest, particularly Oregon where I've lived for the past 20 years, you'd find there are a LOT of people (of all body shapes and sizes) who are very outdoors-y! Being into nature is one of the primary reasons people want to come here to live. It's a big part of people's lives here...not just recreation-wise, but also on a larger socioeconomic political level.  Much of the activity from the environmentalist movement originates from the Pacific Northwest...and they aren't armchair environmentalists, either. They'll get out there and chain themselves to trees to keep the forests from being cut down.

    People in the Northwestern part of the US (and Northern California is included here) LOVE to hike, camp, hunt, fish, ski, mountain climb, bicycle, surf, jog, skateboard, you name it...and they'll indulge their outdoor activities, rain or shine (and trust me it rains a LOT around here lol)

    Even though I'm not much of a wilderness camper and hunting just disgusts me,  I enjoy being outdoors. I commute to work by bicycle everyday. I also maintain an outdoor garden, and I try to visit the Coast and go to the beach whenever possible.  I've even been known to go on the occasional nature hike or go birdwatching with a group, and yes, in the last 20 years I've lived in Oregon, I've visited Crater Lake and some of our beautiful National Forests around here.

  5. yes. me. and for some reason, people can't go so much as  a day w/o electronics.  

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