
Why do Americans adopt children from foreign countries?

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I am just curious. A friend and I were discussing this- he claimed there were plenty of children here that needed homes.




  1. That's true there are plenty of CHILDREN, but there aren't many BABIES to adopt in the US.  Because it is more accepted for single mothers or unmarried couples to keep their babies, not many people give them up for adoption like they did back in the 50s and 60s.  Therefore, many people have to go oversees to get babies.

  2. I find it amusing that people that have never adopted domestically or internationally would make such a PC statement such like this one.

  3. One of our favorite trolls came on here awhile back and stated that people would much rather adopt from overseas so that they can avoid "baby mama drama".  Although I highly doubt that's on most IAP's minds, I do know of a few who would prefer to only have kids that can never find their natural parents.

  4. Well, first of all, it's a bit ridiculous for anybody to say that Americans shouldn't adopt foreign children because there are children here that need homes. The children in other countries need homes too, are the ones here any better or more deserving because they were born here? No. If a person chooses to adopt, they have the right to choose not to adopt someone from America if they wish. Children in other countries deserve chances too. Furthermore, many other countries have child care systems that are not as nice as the ones in America, so many people choose to give a chance to someone worse off. The bottom line is, being an orphan in America doesn't make you any more deserving than  being an orphan anywhere else.

  5. for some people, its easier than adopting an american child.  

  6. Sometimes the regulations for domestic adoptions 'get in the way' for older would-be parents. Also, while you're right that there are lots of American kids who need homes, this is more the case for older kids who need foster families. Ultimately, these foster families might become adopted by their foster families, but this isn't necessarily what adopting parents want. They often want little babies and not the emotional baggage that comes with fostering. Additionally, there are often racial issues and a scarcity of appropriate culturally 'prepared' families (for want of a better way of saying this). Which is a shame.  

  7. because silly everyone wants a cute asian baby to collect the new fade seems to be stealing a child from their culture and food and people so they can come ot the u.c to live with some white people who they dont know and so these white people can pretend they are their parents

  8. There are a lot of possible reasons and motivations.  You'd need to ask specific international adoptive parents.  You know, people who actually did it instead of people who haven't trying to guess the motivations of others.  

    I can speak for my family.  We did a LOT of research into every form of adoption (international, US infant, foster care).  We spoke to adoptees and adoptive parents (domestic, foster and international), we attended classes, we read books, we contacted about twenty or thirty agencies,  before deciding on what we felt was the best choice for our family.  

    I can tell you that we did NOT choose to adopt overseas because it was trendy, or easier, or because we wanted to adopt an infant (we adopted two school age children).  We did not adopt overseas to avoid "baby mama drama".  

    While I acknowledge the conditions prevelant in my children's country of birth, saving children wasn't our motivation either.  I just point it out when I get tired of hearing how $50/month fixes all the problems that make international adoption necessary in the first place.  

  9. americans adopt kids from forieghn countries like china for example becuase the girl babies are not wanted and have a VERY SLIM CHANCE of EVER getting adopted and conditions in china are very bad, so those kids need a home, and that's why americans adopt from foreign countries.

  10. As a kid adopted in America, I have a hard time with these kinds of questions. The US Foster care system isn't exactly flower fields and candy. It sucked being a kid without a family here. I was old for adoption at six, everybody wants a baby. I think if people want a baby then they should choose whether or not they want to adopt locally or internationally. If they want a kid, they ought to look here first. Loads of kids here spend their whole lives in foster care and then get dumped on the streets bitter and unloved.  

  11. As a matter of fact not only Americans adopt children from foreign countries, many European countries do so too. About half of the inter-country adoptions take place in the US, the other half takes place in Europe.

    The reasons vary:

    Some AP's choose inter-country adoption because domestic infant adoption is costly or too time consuming and they want an infant, not an older child;

    Some are triggered by the needs of "orphans" in third world countries,

    Some have ethnic preferences that cannot be served easily in the US;

    Some adopt family members living abroad;

    BTW, America is not only a receiving country, it is also a sending country. Several European countries adopt American children, mainly black infants.

  12. Well, I don't believe that "saving" a child is the right motivation to adopt, although one should only adopt a child who actually does need a home.  

    So, why do you think a child here deserves a family and home more than a child born somewhere else?  

    As far as most people's reasons for adopting internationally - it is a more predictable process for adopting an infant, and many pap's are seeking to adopt an infant (although NOT more lenient as some people say - that is just soooo not true and so many people believe it).  Children are usually already available for adoption rather than being matched with a pregnant woman (which is questionable ethically, and unpredictable for the adoptive parents), the wait time is fairly predictable.

  13. The adoption process for international adoption is easier.

    Here in America they put you on long waiting lists and play games with you.

    And everyone doesn't want to do foster care and then adopt a foster child.

    The process of adopting in America is strenuous.I watch Adoption stories and my cousin adopted my little cousins and that took her 5 years to be granted adoption.See what I mean.They keep you on this long list here in America.

    International adoption doesn't send you through all the changes American adoption sends you through.

  14. it's hard to adopt a us kid, other countries are more lenient

  15. because children from third world countries will starve to death sometimes if they are not adopted and that will never happen in america...i think!!!

  16. America... mothers tend to give up children for adoption only to want them back later and sometimes win...its also very hard to adopt in America...sadly!  There are also many foreign babies that need homes and some ppl just want a baby.  Its easier to adopt foreign and also sometimes faster...(adoption process is not fast any way you put it).  We know that we have less famine and are a fairly rich country...most of the babies adopted are from poorer countries and the orphanages and greatly overcrowded and really run down.  I have not adopted and personally dont know anyone who has but as much as I hear and read...these are some of the reasons why.  Im sure someone who has adopted knows fully why ppl do it and someone who has adopted from a foreign country will fully understand more than someone like you or I.  I see no problem with any of this either way it goes b/c children are being placed in loving homes no matter where they are from.

  17. Well, I've heard it's 100x's easier to adopt from a foreign country and less expensive. I've been told this by 3 people who wanted to adopt form America, but had to go to other countries bc America takes longer and Costs more...oddly...and there's way more paperwork etc...Wich it sounds like it should be the opposite...

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