
Why do Americans believe McCain is a better guy to deal with Russia than Obama?

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I'm deeply confused about this. I figure it's either because the average American has way more information than me, or because he/she has way less. I know this is just a technicality for some people, but McCain thought Vladimir Putin was the President of Germany (Germany doesn't have presidents running their country...). Why is it that McCain is a better choice? Is it because Americans are more concerned with toughness than knowledge on the world stage?




  1. The drones of the fatman on the AM dial have spoken.

  2. And Obama visited 57 states. Try again. McCain has the experience needed to deal with Russia, Obama is barely old enough to remember the cold war.

  3. Because it is not widely known that McCain's main policy adviser, Randy Scheunemann,  is a lobbyist for the nation of Georgia that has taken hundreds of thousands of dollars to advocate for them in the US.

  4. Obama has more experience dealing with communist and crooks.

  5. Obama has more wisdom than old man McCain. McCain is ganna escalate wars with other nations. Bush has succeeded in moving his wars to Europe. MacCain is ganna complete Bush's mission to blow up more wars in new regions in the world.

    In the other side, Obama is ganna work on improving the economy, reducing recession & inflation. Less wars leads to dramatic decrease in oil prices. McCain is not conserned with oil prices. He looks for other unrealistic energy alternatives to complete his wars against Middele East and propably Russia.

  6. Americans don't, some Republicans do.

  7. Maybe because Obama had to copy McCain's statements---after his campaign figured out which way the winds of popular opinion were blowing---after high-tailing it away from reporters who might have asked him difficult (for him) questions pertaining to Eurocentric history and culture.    

    Besides, too many of his supporters would get upset over their lattes if Barack America the Progressive Hope said anything ugly about their idealized and imagined brethren of Russia or China in order to pander to Americans.

    Germany does have a President, but it is not Mr. Putin.  His name is Horst Köhler.

  8. Once it is established a country HATES us, negotiations are worthless.  Better to have a tough guy.

  9. McCain is the worst choice.  He's a hot head and wants a new cold war.  We taxpayers can't afford another cold war.  We simply cannot afford McCain.   He's not qualified to deal with the Russians, he's simply too hot headed to be trusted. The funny thing is that McCain will just make the Russians more angry by his temper and lack of diplomacy and inability to listen.  He's too easily bought off by the country of Georgia, when in fact they started this skwermish with Russia.  The fact remains that Russian has billions of dollars of loans to the U.S to help us fight this war in Iraq.  If they get pissed enough to call out our debt to them along with China, you can kiss your house and everyone else's house goodbye no matter if they have a loan on it or not.  Our country is in huge hock with Russia.  I don't trust McCain to deal with this in an appropriate manner.

  10. Obama has no experience. Experience is a key. As a matter of fact, I can't think of anything Obama has accomplished reguarding benefitting the US

  11. For me it isn't so much McCain or Obama on this, but the way each party would handle a crisis of this sort.

    Obama & the dems will talk, go to the UN (got a BIG problem with them), & generally, IMO, take a concilatory stance, while I know from experience, that the only way to handle aggression, bullies, is by direct confrontation. No one backs down unless they're stood up to. And they have to believe you're willing to pay the price.

    It's a sad fact, but this world is no where near peace. Wars will be fought & the best way to prevent them is to be strong & be willing to use that strength. McCain & the Republicans will do that.  

  12. Putin would eat McCash and Bush for Breakfast!

    Russians do not like Rebublicans!

  13. They are on different sides of the issue.

    McCain supports the Georgians while Obama supports the Russians.

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