
Why do Americans continue to want to believe that a child like Jonbenet could not of been killed by her parent

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Hey people wake up! It said in her AUTOPSY that she was being molested for years (not that evening). SO it had to be done either by a family member or somebody very very close to teh family. And Im sure that the parents would KNOW if it was happening and she was being molested. Also just about anybody can buy DNA these days. If I asked my friend to give me her blood for a million dollars I'm sure she would do it!




  1. i just read all 9 pages of the autopsy... and read nothing of the sort...... have you done so yourself?....

    Edit .....Where did you hear this it says? she had abrasions on her genitals... but she was raped violently wth a paintprush... which I personally believe would leave abrasions...

    i think it is very possible they could have done it.. with the exception of the DNA evidence.....

    You might find this intresting all thes people compile evidence about the autopsy and believe in the fact that she was previously molested...

  2. A lot of people I know believe that she was killed by her parents!

  3. americans are so blind to stuff its not funny-we realy to much on other people and believe in the whole hollywood way of life--when this world ends alot of people are in trouble

  4. I don't believe her parents did it. There never was any evidence found that conclusively linked them to her murder. There was evidence against them while there was plenty that pointed away from them. From what I understand, the Ramseys were very generous about allowing people access to their house and liked to hold big parties. This is how the intruder could have become familiar with the layout of the house. It might have been someone the Ramseys knew but then again, it might not have been. Remember, JonBenet used to participate in child beauty pageants. There are all sorts of anonymous pedophiles who watch these shows. Someone could have taken a liking to JonBenet and was able to learn where she lived and of her family's habits. It wouldn't have been too difficult to get into her family's house since it appears the Ramseys weren't overly concerned with security. Boulder is an upscale, low-crime area. JonBenet's murder was the only one in that city all year.

  5. I believe that this adorable little girl was actually stalked. And in the mind of the parents this most likely never occurred to them

    There was a homeless shelter in the alley not to far from the back of their home. I don't know why the police haven't said anything about this.

    The police ruined this case, they are the same bunch that ruined my daughter murder in the same county, they are idiots.

  6. This case has been puzzling for years in my mind, only thing I can think of is the family had mafia ties and this was a message to them to back the h**l off or go as planned type situation, DNA showed he is not suspect or his past wife, I dunno if the son was tested yet. I am sure in the back of his mind he knows WHO, one day after Xmas for a girl to be found raped, strangled and murdered by physical beating is absurd to think nobody seen anything or not a spec of hair, s***n, fingerprints, were able to be utilized to narrow down a match. Something don't smell right in this case. Does the father have political ties?

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