
Why do Americans hate America?

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It seems that the United States is beating itself up from the inside, it's not enough that all other countries hate us but now we hate ourselves. When did it become okay to bash our country's leaders? When did it become okay to disrespect our troops- who are protecting us? Instead the media is portraying our brave men and women in the military as ruthless and heartless. How can we help America become strong and united?




  1. I like to think of myself as someone!, and I am way too old for

    teeny boomers....

    Children are born innocent, what they are taught in their homes and as a family unit, has been breaking down for years.

    It takes two incomes to survive anymore, guess who goes to the nursery?..We need (all of us),to get back in touch with the basics, and the principles this Country were founded upon. Hard work, love of your beliefs, family and Country. It begins with you and me.

    Respect, loyalty, helping each other and being the kind of person that people want to be around. Treat people as you yourself wish to be treated...

    I do not feel that everyone hates us, we are still the best Country in the world.....thank you some very good points of interest.

  2. It has always been okay to bash the leaders. That's part of what makes the country free. No one seriously disrespects the troops. It is not their fault that they have been sent on a no-win mission. As for a lot of Americans, the oppressive conservative/christian stance of the government has moved us away from American ideals in a bare-faced attempt to consolidate power.

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