
Why do Americans hate all their Presidents, with the possible exception of one? Is that the way Americans like

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to get their kicks? (Nowadays, they even hate them BEFORE they get into office!)




  1. I've liked a few, don't judge Americans like that.

  2. They tend to make a lot of false promises, and end up making more enemies with other countries rather than friends. It makes the rest of us look bad, and other countries end up hating us for what our presidents do.

  3. Aint that the truth?

  4. That's not true. I hate everyone.

  5. America is the greatest country on earth.  That very statement rubs some people the wrong way, because it seems arrogant; particularly coming from an American.  Nevertheless, it's been true for so long that what has happened is that, over the years, we've gradually trained ourselves to be, not only overly humble, but eventually self-loathing, in order to appease our neighbors and not appear prideful.

    It's especially easy to be self-loathing if it's not actually your self that's being loathed, but somebody who can take the blame for you.  Enter the prez dispenser.  Anytime you tell a large group that one individual represents them, naturally that individual is going to be picked apart and rejected.  I have to be sufficiently indignant, after all, in order to make it clear that he's not living up to MY high standards as a representation of ME.  (cha-right.)

    Mainly, the reason we regularly and demonstratively disapprove of our president - as Americans, we're allowed to.

  6. That is the American way.

  7. Why do you concern yourself so much about what Americans do?. Is your life THAT boring?.

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