
Why do Americans have a bad imperssion of Ireland?

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I mean up north and some even think it's down south, why do a lot of them think that is like bloody Iraq over here, do you people not read the news at all?




  1. I move to the US from Irsland when I was 14

    I was asked by my geography teacher in the US "how long does it take to drive from NY to Ireland"


    Ive also been asked the following by random people:

    • Do you have electricity in Ireland

    • Do you have roads in Ireland

    • Do you have ATMs in Ireland

    • Do you need a permit to keep a Leprachaun in Ireland

  2. if it was'nt for the bad image or press west belfast would'nt get half the tourism it gets now especially during feile time. 20, 000 at the march on sunday alone

  3. Well im American and id just like to point out that not all of us are as ignorant as many who have responded make us out to be. Not all of us are the self righteous, holier-than-thou, a**holes that the world sees. Just as you think that we are getting a bad impression of Ireland, i know that the world is getting the wrong impression of all of us. There are a great many of us that dont believe it was right to invade Iraq the way we did and that Bush should not be president. A great many of us know what Ireland is really like (as well as other places in the world) and dont listen to shotty news stories. Media feeds on the bad stuff because it makes for a better story. The ignorant people unfortunately have louder voices. I guess im just saying, before you decide that we are all getting the worst view of you, think twice about your view of us. I happen to love Ireland.

  4. Americans can be quite ignorant.  a friend of mine told an american she was from scotland.  The american replied "really? You have very good English"

  5. they are americans they think that every country compared to their own is a **** hole. so don't take it personally

  6. I don't know why you have that impression.  Most everyone I know either want to go, or don't think twice.  And practically everyone I know claim they are Irish on St. Patricks Day!

  7. aww no, i'd love to go to ireland, i love the irish and i'm quarter irish! They shouldn't, they have faults to going into iraq ect!

  8. I've only heard good things about Ireland.  A few friends have traveled there.  

    I'm Scotch Irish myself.  I'd get drunk, but not if I'm expected to pay for the booze myself.

  9. They seem to think there is only one country on this planet - the US. They're unlikely to even know where Ireland is, and if they do they probably think it's populated by Mexicans or Hispanics.

    The Emerald Isle is probably the best place in Europe, I'd say.

  10. im english and i agre, ireland gets bad press over here as well, but thats mainly because of the IRA.

  11. Did you ever notice if your in america sum1 will always ask u Do you no johnny sum1 from a balllintubret r sumtin stupid like that r tommy from a lil town called cork......i think they think we still go around on we have leprechuns...wrecks my head, im Irish my g.f is scottish n americans think we ***  frum the united kingdom

  12. up the rebel county!

  13. Katie hun, Americans only know America, they wouldnt even be able to find ireland on a map, dont worry about what the worlds biggest nation of A*seholes think, the more they think that the less chance you'll have of them visiting, which is a major bonus!

    theyre just ignorant, i made a point of this the other day and was called "a stuck up europian snob", despite my name being aussie blond, apparently americans think the "land down under" is actually up over and to the left..........

  14. Having lived in Belfast for the duration of my life, I was once quite amused by a remark that an American simpleton had made to me online.  She asked ''Do you have electricity and cars in Ireland?''

    At first I thought she was joking, but alas, she was quite serious!

    P.S. The best place in Europe?  Please, you need to stop smoking your crack pipe.  I have to admit, though, whilst floating along the Grand Canal in Venice with the sunlight shimmering on the surface of the luscious green water; I felt a feeling of nostalgia for Ireland and its large quota of barbaric inhabitants and depressing city-scapes.

  15. When I lived in the USA I found that news broadcasts were very insular compared to the world news focus on Irish television and radio. There was very little news of anything outside of the region, and when there was it seemed that the news was designed to frighten the h**l out of the viewers. No wonder many Americans are afraid to travel.

    I left living in the USA to return to Ireland because I was fed up with being burgled, shot at, being stung by scorpions and spiders, avoiding snakes and worst of all, constant harrasment and racketeering by city, county and state officials along with constant tailing by law enforcement vehicles - and I was a legal resident with absolutely no "wrap sheet".

    Ireland is safer and welcoming and, from my experience, is a country with much more freedom and safety than the USA has ever had.

  16. If you mean impression then it's just their opinion.  Ireland is a beautiful country that I would love to visit one day.

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