
Why do Americans insist on driving under the posted speed limit in the passing lane?

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Why do Americans insist on driving under the posted speed limit in the passing lane?




  1. Their either self appointed speed inforcers, talking on cell phone or texting..

  2. To Meghan, if you're in the left lane you should YIELD to people going faster than you. You shouldn't even be over there if you aren't overtaking someone.  

  3. Well... hopefully the police will eventually nail him for something.

    Check out this article:

    Its about a guy who was driving the speed limit in the left hand lane.

    He was pulled over by police and charged with obstructing traffic and mischief... the latter being a criminal offense. So clearly it is illegal to do the speed limit in the left hand lane... why people still do it is beyond me.

  4. I don't know, but it's one of my biggest driving pet peeves.

  5. I do not find this to be true always. I actually wonder why PEOPLE I don't care where you come, from have a signaling deficiency. I hate you and you know who you are. You just think that because you drive a truck or an Audi or Benz that you can just cut right in front of me without using that darn indicator inches away from your left hand. JEEZ. I also hate people that speed up and slow down, speed up and slow down....:)

  6. They are probably older folks, in a daze, retired and in no particular hurry to get anywhere, so they get in the way of the working folks.

  7. Because it is called the speed LIMIT, not the speed minimum.  We are supposed to stay under it.  That's the law!

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