
Why do Americans intervening and probing on the lives of Chinese athletes?

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It's not of their business how these athletes train. They're from China. You don't hear other countries trying to report the Olympics mixed with this article from an american columnist saying meeting a Chinese gymnast is like meeting someone in Jail. Why can't they just leave the rest of the world alone and stop telling everybody how they're supposed to do stuff the American way?




  1. You know, generalizing an entire population as "control freaks" isn't necessarily very nice.  I am a proud American (everyone should be proud of where they originated), you should be ashamed of stating something like that.

    It is our business (it's everyone's business) that China may possibley be cheating.  It'd be China's business if we cheated as well.  So it goes both ways.  It's the olympics sweetheart, EVERYONE watches the olympics and it's not just the United States that is asking about it.

    Australia, Bulgaria, and Brazil are curious as well.  If someone can't follow simple rules, then they should be penalized.  

    If you are going to cheat; cheat death, not in the olympics where every soul with a tv can see it.

  2. Everything in the world are america's businesses.  They really think they are the "world police."  Otherwise they would not have created the huge mess in Iraq.  Watch after your own "leader" first before sticking your nose into the different cultures of other countries.

  3. I agree with you. The only concern should be how well they're  performing in their events, period!

  4. If we stole our athletes from their families when they were practically babies, we'd have people in an uproar. But, it's okay for China to do it?

    We're not saying it has to be our way but come on? Not letting these girls see their families for years? You can't honestly say that's okay.

    And, what happens if these girls get injured? They're so young; it could cause permanent damage.

    Who's intervening & whining now?

  5. I think this is a big cultural misunderstanding.  Americans have difficulty comprehending any type of lifestyle that doesn't include complete freedom of an individual, and this comes from it being the land of opportunity.  I think a lot of Americans don't realize how lucky they are as far as resources go...scarcity has never been much of a problem.  China is a much different story...there is a lot of burden on the society and on individuals, not so much because of the govt itself, but just the weight of the enormous population.  As an American living in China for 3 years, I can say people don't have as many opportunities here simply because there are so many people.  This leads people to do things that Americans may not be able to fully comprehend, like parents sending their children to these harsh sports training schools.  The government is not "stealing" the children...their parents sincerely believe it is best for the child and the family.  Most of these children are in the poor rural areas, so for many of them the only other option is pretty much to become a peasant farmer or do low wage work in the cities as migrant workers, neither of which is a pleasant life.  It's not like in the US, where someone can try to get a higher education and make something of themself since college is very difficult to be accepted into in China.

    The problem is the media just reports about what is happening on the surface and doesn't delve deeper into the reasons why things are the way they are, why things are done differently here.  Everything is reduced into a kind of one-dimensional picture of China which is not flattering and blames the govt here for everything, because that is what is easy and also what is expected by the public.  And this isn't the only issue where this happens...Tibet, Taiwan, and one-child policy are others.

    I think Americans should just be greatful for the life and opportunity they have and not try to force their value systems on societies and situations where they don't have a deep understanding of what is really going on.  And by deep understanding, I mean living in or reading extensively about that country, not having seen some 15 minute biased expose and thinking they are qualified to be some kind of expert on the subject.  

    On another note, I think people need to realize that a free press does not mean an unbiased press and to take everything they hear with a grain of salt.

  6. I have never intervened or probed in anything!!!! and I'm American.  So, your argument is over generalized.

  7. First off whats wrong with teaching kids soccer?  I Africa soccer is very popular with the villages beecause it requires little equipment and can be played at about any time.

    Secondly you need to watch the TV show Taboo.  If you saw what they do to those kids, it is WRONG.  If you disagree then why don't you send your kid over there and see how long it takes before you get pissed at how they are treating your kid.  The way those kids train is not HUMANE!  

    I guess you think they just run around and do the regular exercise.  They do very extreme regimines!  They are folded BACKWARDS until their upper back is almost touching the back of their legs.  They are forced to walk on thier hands for hours on end without stopping as soon as they are able to walk!  

    The worse part is that they go through this kind of stuff EARLY on!  2-4 depending on how hard they push you!

    You better pray to god(athiest or christian) that you don't cry while doing it or else they will punish you serverly since crying is a sign of weakness.

    Go to youtube and see their training regime and then come to me with this whole "Its not our business" Bull S***.

    I strongly agree that China forged those documents to make the chinese girls compete.  They lied about the fireworks and they lied about the little girl singing.  The worse part was that the people who made the last minute dicision actually had the nerve to say that "at least she had the honor of using her voice for the part olympics".

    That would be like if I copied all of someone's scientific theories and then said "at least you had the honor of having your theories copied".

    The younger you are in gymnastics, means the lower the BMI would be making you jump farther and menuver easier since you carry around less weight and when you haven't went through puberty, your pelvic bone won't hinder your balance making it easier to bounce around without getting thrown off of balance.  When you go through puberty, female's pelvic bone grows substantually wider and thicker which gives them that hourglass figure.

    Do you consider this humane?  If so then you are a sick and nasty b*****d!

  8. I don't think that they were telling anyone to do it the American way.  They were doing their job of reporting an interesting story to us.

  9. It's embarrassing but that's what America does.  It's like that annoying friend or co-worker that does nothing but point out other people's faults to make their self feel and look better.  No wonder we're so hated by the rest of the world.  You know for a face that if America had a great gymnast that was beating everyone but was underage, they would just have the rules changed.

  10. Sorry but the idea that the Government can take a families child and do what ever they want with them is not only repulsive to the US but to the entire CIVILIZED world.!!

  11. Well I agree with you on that note, about the article. But otherwise I disagree

    But the Chinese gymnasts are underage, that's not Americans fault. If there were American gymnasts that were underage I would be VERY mad, and although they were representing my country I would think the same way.

    Their medals should be stripped.

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