
Why do Americans love the UK Royal Family so...; when Americans once sacrificed their lives fighting them?

by Guest61788  |  earlier

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How would those who died for the USA in the Revolution and those who died in 1812 feel knowing in the 20th c. some Americans would worship the UK Royal Fmily...I mean after all there are royal families in Denmark and other Northern European nations that could be followed




  1. low intelligence

  2. it's not worship-many of us can trace our ancestry to the UK and they are the link to the Old World for some of us-it's more like nostalgia than worship.

  3. %$#@ the royal family I'm of Irish decent.  But the obsession you talk of also goes for Paris Hotel Chain shag me at will Hilton. It's the celeberty aspect they are in love with not the accual fact of thier royalty.(because they spend millions a year boosting thier images.)

  4. How would those who fought in the second world war feel about us obsessing over our new BMWs and Nissans? Times change.

  5. that's what im talking about

  6. You can't hold a grudge forever. Times and relationships between nations change through the development of communications, warfare and several other technologies.

  7. Because the British Royal Family represents a good and decent form of government.  With all the corruption in American politics, it's comforting to know that somewhere there are people in a position of power that really care about the people.  

    In America all of the politicians have their own agendas and are always looking out for themselves.  The monarchs are born into the position, and their only job is to care.

  8. The UK royal family suck.

    It's a corrupt system and it will end soon!.

  9. That was about 200 years ago, hello. We are probably more interested in them because they share our language and are more in the news than other Royal family. And I only am interested in about half of them. The nice and attractive ones.

  10. Nobody loves that stuffy royal family..

  11. What ARE you talking about?  Who loves the UK Royal Family?

  12. Probably if a serious poll were ever taken maybe one out of a hundred thousand people care anything at all about royalty.  And they don't care much.  It's the same people that want to see and read all about celebrities.  It is so unimportant that of course no poll would ever be taken!!!

  13. We don't love them, we just don't feel threanened by them so they are sort of quaint.

  14. You don't have to go back that far.  I bet at least one of your friends drives a Toyota, and I also bet you may  have a grandparent (if you're an American) or aunt or uncle who fought against the Japanese in WW2.  Perchance you have a neighbor who lives down the street, or a co-worker who owns a Braun electric razor..    Do you follow my drift???

    I have a grandparent who was English, I also had grandparents of multiple ethnicity's.  I don't "worship" the Royal Family, I find history interesting.  Wouldn't it take less time to study a culture who speaks the same language.  Many of the founding fathers studied English government and also read about Greece and Rome .  We are tied by language at the very least and by many belief systems.  Don't you think Runnymede was a good start?  Don't mistake study for worship.

    I have been to England and because my grandmother was English, I respect ther Queen, my grandmother was a very good person.  In the dictionary her picture is next to the word "grandmother"

  15. It's not that we love them, but rather we enjoy watching their antics. They are more entertaining than a soap opera.

  16. We were fighting the army and navy of England - - - not the royal family.  But even if many considered that the fight was against the royal family. The present family is not the same people who had the throne back in 1812.

    I fought hard in the Second World War against the armies of Hitler. Do you suppose that 150 years from now members of my family should hate members of Hitler's family ?

    I certainly do not worship the British Royal family, or any family, person. god, or thing. There is a vey wide path between loving and hateing. It's not one or the other.

  17. GOOD QUESTION !!! and GOOD POINT BRAVO...YOU SAID IT ALL ...They  want to have a royal family and since they don't have one of their own this is what they do !!

  18. That's way past us. Not to mention that most of the people I know don't even consider history of all things when liking a celebrity.

    Oh, and in response to your "What would the people who died" think: They'd be happy we won and are still independent above all else, right?

  19. I wouldn't say we "love" UK Royalty.  We are interested in them because we don't have any royalty here (and, after all, we used to be distantly connected to the UK at one time).  The other countries with royalty just don't seem to have much publicity about their royal families, we don't see many photos or much (any?) tv coverage on the other royals.  The UK also does a good job of publicizing their royals too.

  20. Americans don't worship the royal family.  We just like gossip.

  21. OK, as an American I'll answer.  73% of the population of the US are descented from ancestors coming from the UK.  Mine come from Wales, Scotland and Ireland.  In addition, we dont really have a history being a relatively "new" country, and the history of yours is interesting.  Sure, we kicked you out but that doesn't mean we've completely lost interest in your country.  The intrigue, affairs of state etc. of the royal family is fascinating to read about (at least for me), which is one of the reasons I answer questions about them, I read..  In addition, many of the journalists and writers in your country have published in the US because of your strict libel laws regarding the royal family. And no, I don't "worship" them.  They just provide interesting reading.

  22. Look what happened in Japan during World War 2...there you have it. The Royals are fine people. So are the Japanese.

  23. Yeah I think it is kind of weird personally.

    Especially with other royal families that no one really cares about...

    I think it's because England is America's mother country and they would pay more attention to the English Royal family than to say the Danish Royal Family.

  24. ya i dont think we love them. who wouldn't want to be a prince or princess. and no i dont think any American would warship them sonny

  25. As an American I can honestly say that I do not worship nor love the UK Royal Family.  So there goes your argument right there.  I think they're reported on by the media as a point of interest, as other well known figures are, but that does not make them worshipped or loved.    

    Anyways I don't live my life worrying about the opinions of people that died 200 years ago.  Otherwise there would be a million other things that we wouldn't be able to do these days.

  26. Maybe because we became alies with them ever since the late 1800's.

  27. Most Americans find the British Royal family a humorous distraction, seeing that the majority of the news about them is in tabloid magazines.  It is a shame to see what was an amazing historical experiment turn into such a circus.  They (the Royals) brought the world the US, the King James Bible, and Shakespear plays.  Now it's just Harrys boozing, Charles wanking, and the Queen aging.  So we kind of love them in a 'cartoonish' sort of way

  28. *yawns*

  29. who said i love the royal family?

  30. Cinderella finding her prince.  Regal pagentry.  Nothing to do with politics. Grace Kelly finding her prince.  The Tsars of Russia.  It was fun having Diana in the world and when she was gone - you cried because she was a mere vulnerable person who lost her prince, her crown, herself. All things royal, rich, lush.  We all have watched the Trumps, the Hiltons, and all icons that transgress land & cultural boundaries.  God save the Queen  - she is a constant like her mother was.  No matter what happens in our everyday lives they are there - giving us hope & glitter.

  31. I'm American and could care less about the royal family. Most people that I know don't care about them either. We actually think its pretty stupid to continue with that monarchy BS and the royal family.

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