
Why do Americans love to do illegal and legal D R U G S ?

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supply and demand

Americans: Then don't blame on other countries for your drug addictions




  1. Just because on ocassion I enjoy weed doesnt mean I'm addicted though. It makes me feel good and I enjoy the things I see and that those are the only reasons I use it.

  2. Because they can...

  3. not everybody does illegal drugs.  

    and most who do drugs are addicted.

  4. It's not just Americans,it's part of being human.Sometime long ago a human ingested a plant, mushroom,fermented fruit,whatever.It altered their state of mind.They liked it and on it went.The American drug war is nothing more then a money machine.Neither side wants to see it end.If you are referring to the US blaming Mexico.You're right to a point.However the corruption that the drug industry supports in Mexico.Don't blame the US for that.

  5. You're right about the US fighting drug use in other countries.  It is definitely not taking responsiblilty.  The correct foreign policy would be non-intervention.  The correct domestic policy would be to legalize drugs and sell them cheap - with the proviso that drug use, depending on which drugs and its effect, would disqualify the user from certain health benefits, and/or pay special health insurance in the price of the drugs.

    Now, since you "got in my face", I'll take you to task. What do you suppose would be a good tactic for Latin American Governments to prevent illegal aliens from invading the US.  What if the Latin American countries had their own industries, their own thriving, healthy economies.  What is the problem down there with all the poverty?  Is it that only a few priviledged "old money" people have power?  Certainly the people are intelligent and hard-working.  There appears to be no fewer natural resources in Latin America than in North America.  Is that the fault of the U.S. too?  Yet every now and again I read that Latin Americans are dependent on the cash illegal aliens send home?  What's wrong with this picture?

    Are politics in your country less corrupt than in ours?

  6. 1) Because we can afford it.

    2) Because we like it

    3) Because we want to do it.

  7. What a generalization!

    Americans, per se, do not love to do illegal  and legal drugs any more than Europeans or Asians.

  8. because it makes them feel good

  9. Painkillers for pain. All for boredom, and exctatic feelings.

      Not just Americans, but worldwide, and since the earliest of times, DRUGS have been a hit.

        From Native Americans' use of tobacco for solemnizing oaths to the spread of New Age religious beliefs in Haight-Ashbury coffeehouses, drugs have been intimately associated with American spirituality. Substances as peyote, jimson weed, hallucinogenic mushrooms, LSD, marijuana, wine, and coffee have stimulated ecstatic revelations of spiritual truth and strengthened the social bonds that sustain communities of faith. "Robert C. Fuller

    "History shows that we have always used drugs. In every age, in every part of this planet, people have pursued intoxication with plant drugs, alcohol, and other mind-altering substances...Almost every species of animal has engaged in the natural pursuit of intoxicants. This behavior has so much force and persistence that it functions like a drive, just like our drives of hunger, thirst and s*x. This "fourth drive" is a natural part of biology, creating the irrepressible demand for drugs. In a sense, the war on drugs is a war against ourselves, a denial of our very nature...

    Legalization is a risky proposal that would cut the drug crime connection and reduce many social ills, yet it would invite more use and abuse...Making some dangerous drugs illegal while keeping others (like alcohol and cigarettes) legal is not the solution. Out-lawing drugs in order to solve drug problems is much like outlawing s*x in order to win the war against AIDS.

    In order to solve the drug problem, we must recognize that intoxicants are medicines, treatments for the human condition. Then we must make them as safe and risk-free and, yes, as healthy as possible.

    Dream with me for a moment. What would be wrong if we had perfectly safe drugs? It mean drugs that delivered the same effects as our most popular ones but never caused dependency, disease, dysfunction, or death?... Such intoxicants are available right now that are far safer than the ones we currently use...We must begin by recognizing that there is a legitimate place in our society for intoxication."- Andrew Weil


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