
Why do Americans obsess over British accents?

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Not even just British, but anything that's not American or Canadian, people just go absolutely (if I may a use a non-word) ga-ga. I'm sorry, but it's really quite annoying when people keep asking me to say something because of the way I speak and when I do people just giggle, and because I speak the way I do, no one seems to take me seriously! They're too busy fawning over the way I talk. So, I just want to know...why? (I am 15 and in High School)




  1. I personally just think hearing someone with a different accent is so unique and cooler sounding than American accents I hear everyday. I bet it does get annoying so that's why I never try to obsess in front of the person, but you should definitely take it as a compliment! Given time, if these people really are your friends they will eventually realize that what you say is more important that how you sound when you say it.

  2. Accents are just RE-DI-CULOUSLY hoooooooot! Its a change of scenery for your ears when you hear a different accent.

  3. If a guy has an accent it just makes him sexier hehe so take it as a compliment!

  4. Many Americans affectionately see Britain (England) to be the source of their language (as it really should be spoken), culture and traditions. Quaint, but endearing nevertheless!

    Most Americans are not well-travelled. Fewer than 20% have passports, so they don't have much firsthand experience of encounters with 'foreign' people or even those from outside their own group.

    Take the extra attention as a compliment and in time they'll get used to your accent. You may gradually lose it and start picking up a local dialect. It's very easy to speak with (or lapse into) an American accent.

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