
Why do Americans put more effort into rebuilding Baghdad than one of their own cities, New Orleans?

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Why do Americans put more effort into rebuilding Baghdad than one of their own cities, New Orleans?




  1. We don't! Just more money for corporations to put in their pockets.

    After4 1/2 years people in Baghdad do not have electricity, water, or waste facilities! After the BILLIONS we have sunk into Iraq we have little to show for it but the dead and 500 new Millionaires!

  2. New Orleans is below sea level.  Ted Kennedy is the only part of the government that likes areas like that.

    Why should the government spend a trillion dollars building welfare housing in an area that will flood again and again and again.

  3. It is human fear that they see through house of enemies and forget their own drawing chairs.American may be strong,but they are vulnerable by arabs.

  4. N.O. has electricity. Less killings though the city is working on catching up. New Orleans always has water...

  5. With the amount of $ the Federal Government has pumped into NO so far, they should have been able to rebuild it twice over.

    Local corruption, big time

  6. Becuase Baghdad doesnt have as many criminals in it.

  7. Why does New Orleans and Louisiana not put more effort into rebuilding itself. Billions have been spent and squandered. William Jeffers is still in office despite the one hundred grand they found in his freezer, Ray Nagin is still mayor. I hate to see more of my tax dollar shipped to Dollar Bill's freezer. The other areas affected by the hurricane are on their way back, why hasn't New Orleans worked their way back.

    I guess the answer is that we expect more out of Americans.

  8. Destruction by apathy is considered more socially acceptable than willful destruction, so it is a means of making amends.

  9. Why are the deadbeats in New Orleans just sitting around waiting on the Govt to come do something for them?

    Why can't they get off their backsides and go to work rebuilding instead of complaining about where their next taxpayer check is at?

    I was in New Orleans recently, did you know that there are billboards on the sides of the roads looking for employees? Must be a severe shortage of workers for a company to spend that kind of money to attract workers.

    Why not get off your Lib backside and be the Pied Piper? Lead all the deadbeats to jobs that will rebuild their own city?

  10. Because you didn't bomb New Orleans.  It is built below sea level eventually it was bound to flood and will again.  Laws of Physics. Unless New Orleans is raised above sea level (not impossible but would take megatons of clean fill) It can survive severe storms.

  11. More mony to be made in fighting a war that never ends.....

  12. America needs this or any War,to hide the Spinning,Congress will give the Pres. what ever he wants because they can HIDE the secret Slush fund. Then get in front of the news crew and spout how they were against it from the start.And turn around And ask for Your VOTE to help fight BUSH. Sound familar?

  13. Not that much" OIL" in New Orleans !!!

  14. I guess because there is more oil in Baghdad then in New Orleans.

  15. coz they've got a main resource americans have been longing to have...oil??

  16. because new Orleans shouldn't be rebuilt move some where that isn't sinking

  17. Because we have this thing called a budget. And New Orleans has to make due with what is allowed to them. Half of our tax dollars goes to the military so obviously they have more to spend.

  18. Because the rules of the Bush Admin. are, "First we destroy a city, THEN we rebuild it."

    If Bush could BOMB New Orleans first them he might get the adrenalin rush that comes from rebuilding it.  It's not s**y enough for him.

    Plus, Halliburton is not interested in the contract.  It doesn't pay enough.  Iraq pays better. (That's the God Honest Truth.)

  19. And exactly what have _you_ done for the people of New Orleans?

    I have served both in Iraq and in New Orleans after the hurricane.  What have _you_ done?

    Or are you just another typical liberal who complains but never gets his hands dirty?

  20. Because as Americans, we have the ability to take care of ourselves. It doesn't matter what race, or s*x you are. Baghdad was in shambles before we went to war with them, and they are only now getting the ability to take care of  themselves. There are more citizens in Iraq willing to better themselves, and in New Orleans there are people still waiting for a handout. We have spent way to much on New Orleans, and the funny thing is that the only communities that are re-built, are ones that took on the recovery themselves, and are not waiting on someone else to do it for them. Welfare mentality at it's worst.

  21. Because Baghdad has an honest mayor who stuck around every day since March 19, 2003 and didn't spend all of that time bad-mouthing the Americans. I don't recall him heading for San Antonio as the attack forces approached his city.

  22. Why don't the citizens put at least SOME effort into rebuilding their OWN city, like towns in Mississippi did?  BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE THAT GOVERNMENT MUST THINK AND ACT FOR THEM, that's why.

  23. Um, so simple, folks.


    For every bomb built and exploded their investment portfolio rises.

    Then they contribute to elections and get their guy (CEO of Halliburtan) into office and they....GO TO WAR make more money.

    Tax-funded wealth for a governing elite? Am I kidding? Isn't that called facism?

  24. I do not know if they are

    If so perhaps New Orleans was destroyed ny natural forces which could not be controlled whilst Baghdad was detroyed bythe  military might of USA  which could

  25. there are no black people in baghdad america is a racist country i dont care what anyone says actions speak louder then words

  26. b/c of the high percentage of poor blacks and whites living there - unfortunately they are not on Bush's or any other republicans agenda for that matter.

  27. So what you are actually saying is don't you blame Bush ? Typical Liberal nonsense

  28. You are retarded.

    There is just as much help in both places you dip s h i t. You need to stop listening to people and learn whats really going on.

    Look at WWII and how we helped Germany and Japan rebuild and now we are very close allies.

  29. Republicans are in charge. The nation is in the crapper. You do the math.

  30. Who cares about New Orleans? That city will be under water in fifty years and we can't stop it! I would much rather my tax dollars go to a bunch of strangers than a bunch of lazy, entitlement seeking morons. We were warned three days ahead of time to evacuate and some decided to stay put. If someone told you a tornado was coming down your street, would you go outside and watch it? Then instead of pulling together as a city in need usually does, they decide to go on a killing spree (over a hundred and twenty dead in 07')! On top of that the corrupt Mayor and Govenor want to blame the President, when they both did absolutly nothing to help the problem. Oh yea, did I mention that I lived in New Orleans during the hurricane? Guess what? I lost my home, dog, job, and 80% of my personel possesions. I moved on with my life and I'm not going to dwell on the past. New Orleans was the home to the laziest and most morally defunct people on the planet. Down with New Orleans and down with Louisiana!!! Iraqis will work for a living, which is more than I can say for most of New Orleans. Plus it isn't as dangerous to live in Iraq, and that is why I would rather buildup any third world country than c**p Orleans!!!

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