
Why do Americans put up with this rude behaviour Is it not time to show them we are Americans?

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Why do we as Americans put up with this Over the pond they are praying that we lose in Iraq

Last year in Mexico they booed Miss U S A

While back the American hockey team.of 10 year old were booed in Canada

We see them in our country and many of us travel and work in their country Is it not time to let them know how we feel about them I don't give a bucket of warm spit if they don't like Mr Bush They want to talk America down than it's time to show them Americans well not stand for it




  1. Because were politically correct LOL

    And we respect their freedom of speech even if it involves them burning our flags, mocking us, breaking our laws, killing our citizens and taking money out of the country.

    Its the American way LOL

    Gotta love PC eh?

  2. Pay back?? Your leader has already told you our country would fail if all of those Mexicans stopped sneaking into our country and doing all the jobs we don't want to do.

    We can't p**s off the Canadians, their money is worth more than ours and we need them to buy American goods so our economy does not crash. So STFU and be a good hostess.

  3. i have a nice solution to this too. dont help israel fight iran and dont give foreign aid and theyll be begging us to start helping the rest of the world again

  4. Why should we pray you loose in Irak? is not going to happen anyway, and that booed to your team here in Canada was because your lousy team not your country. Why do you feel like that bro?

  5. same reason we put up with your rude behavior

  6. It works both ways.  We have occasionally had very rude Americans visiting here    -    not all of them thankfully    -    we have met wonderful people too

  7. we don't pray that you lose in iraq

    whatever happens is your own fault

    and as for george bush, it doesnt matter what we think, he does what he wants anyway,

    you yanks always think you are right but you are not, you are just the loudest.

  8. That just shows you how bad the image is abroad. Not all of them hate America.

  9. well we are and always have told other countries what we felt about them. we arent shy. we let the Mexicans know that many of us dont want them here because of the many of them ruining it for the rest of them by illegally sneaking into our country. we always looked down at our neighbors to the north (canada) and we never really gave them the credit they probably diserve. even to this day people in the south are still telling the blacks that they are not wanted in the south. (i personally dont think anything bad about them im just saying) the french when they talk bad about us we remind them what country helped them in WW1 and WW2 and also remind them about the last successful war they had which was a really really long time ago. so before you tell us that we put up with it sometimes we probably have it coming and we will continue to tell everybody whats on our minds

  10. Well I'm over the pond and hope for success in Iraq, I love America after having lived there for a few years and can say its a great country.

    I was homesick at first but now all my dear American friends treat me as an adopted yank!

    Not all of us her in Britain hate on you guys please don't generalise, there are many many of us who stand with you on all these Middle East atrocities.

  11. first off to the person that said that Canadian money is worth more than ours you are husband works in Canada and his pay checks come to my house in the us in Canadian currency....I have to have it converted....and ours is still worth more than theirs.....

    not to mention....products are a lot cheaper here than in Canada. So our dollar goes further than there dollar does....

    But to answer the actual question posted.....It is absolutely right that we stand up and defend our country's honor, Just as Canada should stand and defend their country's honor....

    I would be disappointed in Canadians if they didn't feel a rivalry against us....

    It is like hound on the rival team. Does that mean you actually believe everything you say? NO!!! You say it because you know it hurts!!!

    It is common for the most popular person or country to be ganged up is FEAR that brings that out....

    I say let them all talk about us, but when they need us...WE will still be the FIRST country to stand up and fight for them!!!


    He may not be the best, but I could think of a whole butt load of Presidents/Leaders who are FAR worse than George Bush!

  12. Because the world is getting tired of the BS and Americans are beginning to bear responsibility for their actions.

  13. Just a result of the U.S. Republican foreign policy.

  14. If by over the pond you mean Britain, you are wrong, us Brits don't pray that you lose in Iraq, our soldiers are out there and in Afghanistan dying for their country too.

    We ourselves are generally disliked in Europe because we stood side by side with you over it.

    And we will never win the Eurovision Song Contest again because of it.

  15. Of course we'll stand for it.

    We'll stand proudly, and salute our flag and the country it represents.

    We'll always have those who hate America.

    Enough apologizing, however.

    Let them boo.

    Think of what they have to deal with.   Be happy here.

    And with regard to Canada, and other democracies, trust them, they'll come around.  Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing, and once all the facts come out, they'll come around.

  16. A few years back the American woman's team stepped on our flag with their skates in their locker room.  That is terrible!

    Some of the players on the American team(I think in the 1st olympics that had professionals), trashed their hotel room and lost my respect and alot of Canadians.....because canadians just don't show such disrespect.  Sure, we still have a few bad apples like everyone else.

    Other than in Quebec I have rarely seen Canadian fans disrespecting your national anthem.  I can't defend them because I am not one of them.  Quebecers are a different breed.  But I do hear the Canadian anthem booed on certain occasions in American cities, like Boston last year against the Canadiens.

  17. My advice is that Americans show their stoic side to the world.  Remember, in spite of the rude and vulgar words, you have one ally who will never let you down.

    Yup, it's us, the Brits. . . .

    We Brits have been spat upon, slandered, thrown into jail, made to look foolish and worse.  But we just do stiff upper lip and pay no attention.

    Most of those who hiss and boo do not understand that were it not for swift American action on the issue of terrorism, the barbarians would be all over us.  It's bad enough that here in UK we've got them living with us.  But we will learn to manage the situation and live with it and overcome it in time.  We usually do.

    At 9/11 an unprovoked attack was made on our beloved sister city of New York - a date which will live in infamy.  I am not going to forget it nor will I never forget those who died that day.

    By Royal Command - Buckingham Palace Yard 9/11

    Meanwhile here in UK we remain on high alert. . . .

    George W Bush is actually a very nice person, and typical of Texans, he has the same sense of humour as we Brits.

    Don't get me wrong, I have always liked Dubya, but I would not be seen dead voting for him.  But then I don't get a vote, so there.

    Meanwhile here in silly London. . . . .

    . . . .and I bet you thought tap dancing was American!  Wrong, it's English and 18thC. . . .so there. . . .

    HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND and think yourself lucky you ain't here in London with it's dull grey skies. . . .

  18. I'm British and I have the same here.  So many Brits go abroad and cause trouble and give my country a bad name.  A lot of countries have banned Brits from their football matches as well and some clubs did the same.  Well, when any of them get locked in a foreign jail, they will wonder why.  There are times when I feel ashamed to be British because of those out-of-control retarded dickheads.

    It works both ways.  I used to get abused for no reason in Yahoo Chat ages ago (when I was using it) and I quit because the abuse from Americans and Brits was a liberty.  I think the Londers in the UK are the worst.  No offense Londers because I know you're not all the same.

  19. Rule 1. If you want respect you have to give respect.

  20. what do you want to do?

    you seem to be saying "I'm fed up"... yet no real solution?

    are you implying some sort of Randy-Newmanian (is that a word?) "Political Science" solution?

  21. dont you amercians love freedom of speech any more?

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