
Why do Americans seem to think that the performance of a speech qualifies a candidate?

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Obama is the best speaker in national politics. Palin resorted to negative rhetoric and didn't breach a single issue with substance but was received well. Neither should be judged on how well they perform on the stump. Look at the performance in the job.




  1. Prince, I'm a Yank, and I'm not much of a political junkie, but I place a great deal of importance on the way a person speaks. In the take-off of Shaw's play,"Pygmalion" called "My Fair Lady,"  Higgins says something like, "...the way an Englishman speaks classifies him." It's certainly rings true for me. I'm not talking about political speeches, which are crafted by professional writers, I'm talking about extemporaneous comments and answers to questions asked by people. The best example I can give is the current boob we have in  the oval office, sometimes referred to as, "The oaf of office." The man has yet to mumble a coherent thought. Unfortunately, Obama sounds like an intellectual, and apparently my countrymen find it difficult to identify with someone with a brain in their head....which probably explains how we elected our current idiot. I fervently hope there are enough rational people still left in my country to judge a candidate on the way they express themselves. Job performance is the ultimate test of course, Prince, but unfortunately you can't evaluate that until after the person is elected. I'm a veteran, Prince, and I would have died for my country, but I blame Bush for alienating all the compassion the world felt for us after 9/11, for the deaths of 4,000+ Americans, mostly boys,and tens to hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. I've spent two summers bicycling through the U.K. and found the people wonderful. I've spent a number of summers bicycling in Europe and found the people the same. I've cycled accross the U.S. and found my countrymen similar. If you've been here, I hope you agree with me. Say a prayer for us that we elect someone better than what we now have.... but then, we'd find better prospects in a loony bin!

  2. You said it, Obama can talk but can he perform?  Doubtful

  3. Okay, judging by job performance Palin has actual executive experience, Obama has 130+ "present" votes where he couldn't make a decision at all.  Winner:  McCain/Palin.

  4. Her Speech was great because she she attacked Obama, and Biden for both belittling her. She slammed the media for talking about her family. All of the negative rhetoric was true.

    Yes look at her performance in her job 80% approval rating. She has something to back her speeches up.

    She did tackle the issues, Fuel prices for one, which lead us to a more secure, and cleaner nation. Lower taxes to allow growth.  The main issue that we need a leader, not an organizer.

  5. Good idea, Obama, community organizer.  Palin, Governor state of Alaska.  Enough said.  You do the comparison.

  6. Then Palin wins by a landslide.

  7. IN that case we have to go with Palin who had a job with responsibilities and did it well, as opposed to Obama who dodged every controversial issue (except the far left liberal ones) by voting 'present' instead of taking a position. Maybe all hard questions are 'above his pay grade'.

  8. Palin did a good gob. I know she will make a good VP>

  9. Given the number of actual working days and "present" votes in the Senate really doesn't speak well for obama's on the job performance.

  10. John McCain has a large absentee rate in the Senate.

    If he's not there to vote, then he can't even vote "present."

  11. Though I disagree - Palin, as a speaker gives Obama a run for his money  in speaking ability, and did address taxes, the war, the experience issue, the energy crisis & the importance of independence from foreign countries/imports, special needs education and advocacy, etc. - It is true - we have become a nation of fools. We base our decisions on sound bites & 1/2 truths. There is an article today on Yahoo that details the many "truths" that were stretched in Palin's speech. By the same token, Palin's comments in regard to how Obama's proposed policy and views change from speech to speech & region to region, is something we have talked about in our home & on numerous occasions. We don't seem to care on either front. We are the television & internet generation of short attention spans.....ooooo, pretty colors......but, look.......ooooooo sparkles.......

  12. Obama is an outstanding speaker; Palin did a great job on her first major speech last night.  But "good public speaking" has nothing to do with their qualifications for the job.

    I happen to think Obama is not qualified to be Commander-in-Chief, although he is one of the most gifted orators in our nation's history.  I think Governor Palin is perfectly qualified to be Vice-President but I would have concerns about her as President.

    Even so - the only thing the candidates will be doing between now and election day is TALKING.  They will be debating each other and speaking in public - and most of us will judge them based on what they SAY they will do....and what they have already done.

  13. Sarah Palin handed Obama his head.  Words are the weapons of choice in the arena of politics.  She is superior to Obama on the stump and in actual accomplishments.

    To hate what Sarah Palin stands for is to hate America.


  14. Her qualifications can be found and corroborated by a simple web search. As Obama's can be negated.

    A good speaker is like an actor - given a good script they can make an audience belive anything.

    I think Sarah Palin gave an excellent speech last night and showed something Obama can only fake - sincerity.

    Look at the job, man, you just dropped you left & soon'll be kissing canvas. Palin's record TROUNCES Obama's.

  15. Palin threw red meat to supporters  that she did not had to earn. She played willy nilly with the Facts, was sarcastic and Still showed no knowledge on the things we all want to know if she understands, Foreign Policy.

  16. she has a 80 percent job approval rating...the best of any governor in the country...Obama is the biggest lib in congress...who do you think America is going to vote for in Nov.?

  17. Present!

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