
Why do Americans seem to think that what Russia is doing in Georgia is Bullying and Intimidating?

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What about what the US has done to the world, all the unjust wars it has started and I am not referring to just Iraq. What about the fact that many years ago the US were giving Sadam Hussein weapons which he then used to invade Quwait and the rest of in the world had to go into that war and stop Sadam Hussein.

American keep saying if not them then who would be saving the world well, it is not just the US making the world a safer place. The US did no take down Hitler by themselves, another false so many other countries were fighting the n***s.

Isn't it hypocritical of the Americans to accuse others of bullying but never look at themselves? Why is it Americans are more fond of saying the world owes them, owes them for what?




  1. Why was my answer deleted? I didn't insult anybody.

  2. Yes, almost everytime Bush opens his mouth the words pot, kettle and black creep into my mind!

  3. The US is messed up. That's the bottom line.

  4. Both Countries are doing a bit of political positioning. Sorting out sides.

  5. because the US don't like other people saving the day

    iraq invaded kuwait looted and killed people on mass so we went in and kicked them out then went into iraq and destroyed most of their army so they couldn't do it again, US opinion: good

    georgia invaded south ossetia looted and killed people on mass so russia went in and kicked them out then went into georgia and destroyed most of their army so they couldn't do it again, US opinion: bad


    btw south ossetia is recognised as a country by many other countries (inc russia obviously) it declared Independence ~18 years ago, if the georgian gov wanted to object there a bit late

  6. Because most Americans believe the rubbish put out on their TVs. I have found the Americans that have travelled to be sensible well rounded people but the ones that stay behind are another story! They are one of the biggest threats to peace without doubt. Take the anti missile system being proposed on Polish soil. The Russians dont like it. Remember the Cuban missile crisis in the early sixties. The USA are a bunch of hypocrites - rant over

  7. The world owes them for discovering them. It's a simple case that if Russia say Ya then America says erm Nope. and v v. America should keep out of this one, it's down to the President or whatever he calls himself, of Georgia. The Georgian people did not want this war. If you invade territory that Russia says it owns, it's not the best idea for self presevation. USA has enough serious problems of it's own, it's about time it looked into itself and stopped meddling.

  8. Bush is a hypocrite.

  9. You have got to remember that the US has mastered the art of bulling and therefore recognise it when they THINK they see it in other countries

  10. the Americans are only interested because of the oil pipeline otherwise they would not bother just like they don`t bother with most african country's with all the genocide going on there  

  11. And you're not asking this question in German because?  We didn't take down Hitler single handed, but what was your country doing, biding its time?  Give me a break, America's hands are by no means clean but we also are one of the most generous nations when it comes to humanitarian aid.  And I'd be hard pressed to find another country with a squeeky clean record either, they don't exist.  Throughout history every country has wronged some other somehow, but also have helped too. I'm sorry if there's still suffering in the world, but we can't save everyone.  BTW, do you really think the Iraqis were better off with Sadam?  It wasn't Americans that created all those mass graves.  

  12. Russia is 60 x bigger than Georgia....

    oh, btw, I'm just a 13 yr. old American and i didn't bully leaders of my country and the people before me did.

  13. Because what Russia is doing in Georgia IS bullying and intimidating.

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