
Why do Americans still worship Jesus?

by Guest45094  |  earlier

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Almost no one in Western Europe or Australia/NZ, or even Canada for that matter, really adheres to Christianity anymore. Some old folks may let slip a strange idea about creation or morality here or there, but very few people are vocal about their views. Most people would be scolded or shunned for expressing Christian beliefs around non-Christians, or for condemning others morally on the basis of the Bible. Politicians never repose on ecclesiastical rhetoric to garner votes or shape policy, and scientific theory isn't hampered by religious considerations. Simply put: In the rest of the Western world, religious beliefs are considered a vice, a guilty, even creepy, obsession of an eccentric few, and something prudence dictates should be kept to oneself. So basically my question is this: Why is the US still so culturally primitive in comparison to its European and Australasian counterparts?




  1. It's a symptom of their sickness, a desire to confirm existing beliefs rather than question objectively.  They consider faith a virtue, it's actually considered a virtue to believe in something for no good reason (the definition of faith).  I guess it has something to do with american culture, but I couldn't say what, exactly.

    Personally I'm about ready to move somewhere in the world where society isn't ruled by primitive superstitions.  I like america, but I get tired of having a theocracy forced upon me in a country that was founded as a secular nation.  If they want to believe in fairy tales, I don't really care, but don't try to force me to conform to them.

  2. This is not a science question.

  3. "Because Jesus is cool". Seriously. He showed a way, maybe the only one, that an individual can follow to turn himself from a worm into a butterfly. It's called... Evolution, in the spiritual realm, that our science only recently began to grasp. And just so you know, the rest of the world does not consider religion a vice. 9 out of 10 Romanians will probably tell you they are religious. About 90% of them freely stated that they were Religious in their belief system and said they were Christian Orthodox. Percentages are most likely high through all South Eastern Europe. Granted, there are many issues that need to be improved about this world and issues concerning with religion/s need to be improved too, but to say or think that a society is cultural primitive because they believe in God it's a big mistake. On the contrary... Those that are not God loving and God searching are the primitive ones... They will fail miserably in whatever they try to achieve... The highest morality and true science that come from the Higher Source (God and his helpers) it's what's been keeping this civilization and life on Earth going for many many years, much longer than the known history.

  4. Christianity for my self is who I am. I'm defined that way. We believe that God should hold a very important place in our lives. i believe  in heaven and h**l.  Some christians like myself live  to make it to Heaven,and to stay away from h**l.  What do Americans still worship Jesus you ask? We all don't. Its pretty much the same. You have the ones who are religious and who take their belief serious and those who don't.  My reason for worshiping Jesus is that he died for my sins. He is so good to me and blesses me each and every day with air and food and etc.  Its pretty much a personal thing and how you believe. Hope this helps.

  5. I don't understand it either. I live in Canada and you would never have religion used in politics the way they do in the U.S..

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