
Why do Americans think a credit card is one of life's essentials?

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if you dont want to drag cash around you can always use your debit card instead of always getting credit




  1. To buy things you can't afford to create the appreance of status that you really aren't.

    We live in an image baised society.  Just because you can't afford something, isn't reason enough anymore not to have it.

    It's stupid.

    I use my credit card for gas and such sparingly each month and keep it on hand for true emergencies  like vet bills, and car repairs. And pay it off in full each month.

  2. I don't.  I don't have one, and I very much prefer it that way.  I like living within my means, and not having debt.

  3. I'm an American and I certainly don't believe that a credit card is essential to life.  I have a credit card, but I almost never use it.  It is more of a "just in case" kind of thing.  Counter-question... Why do you hate Americans? j/k!

  4. Because dragging cash around is stupid.

  5. I don't have a credit card and I am a homeowner and paid off a 2002 SUV.  I saved up and put 25% down on my house so that was enough to "prove" my financial worth. Most Americans want what they want and have no patience to save their money.  They end up wasting money on interest.  I have a check card, but that deducts money from your account automatically.

  6. Well, because frankly it is one of life's essentials.  In order to build a fully balanced credit profile, a person needs a record of at least one credit card.  Whenever anyone applies for a home loan or a car loan, the lender will want to see a positive payment history of at least one credit card.  If you never want to finance a home or car, well, I guess technically you don't need a credit card, but most people don't feel that way.

    Having a credit card doesn't mean going into debt.  Many people simply will charge something on their cards and then pay the cards in full (thus, they never pay interest charges) - this builds a great credit profile!

  7. um, we dont.

  8. i completely agree with you. if you don't feel save carrying cash around, you can always use debit card or check. credit cards are for people who like to spend money that they don't have. people critisize how credit card companies are sucking up money with their high interest rates and fees, but in my opinion, you can choose not to use one. the ones who are complaining are those who are in debt.

    and i never understand why people would suggest using a credit card to build up your credit profile. so paying your other regular bills, i.e. electricity, gas, mortgage, etc., is not enough to prove that you can make payments on tme?

  9. you gotta build credit somehow if you want to get a vehicle or home loan =/

    I always have enough capital to pay off my credit card, so I basically just use it as a method to build credit and get free frequent flier miles :) :)

  10. Its another form of money.

  11. Do they?

    Strange people!  I've had 3 credit cards for 30 years, I use them sometimes - maybe 2 or 3 times a year and pay them off when the bill arrives.

    I really don't think I would miss them if they disappeared!

    But then - I'm not from the US!

  12. Where does it say all Amercians do think it is essential?

    I have 3 credit cards that I use. Very Rarely, I have a total revolving credit bill of under 500 dollars.

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