
Why do Americans think they rule the world?

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The reality is that there's other countrys in this world that do better things for the sake of this world not their country. I know there's lots of nice Americans out there so NO OFFENCE TO YOU. But i'm sick of america acting like a super heroe who thinks they rule the world. And why does america use old math, mutilate helpless babies and bomb every third world country????

:P accepting all answers.




  1. Correction: we used to rule the world.

    All hail China, our new supreme overlords!

    and i don't know if you are American or not, however you would find that we as citizens do not act like we rule the world. We just have really crappy choice in leaders. Believe me, nobody in America likes our foreign policy, and those who do probably deserve your scorn. we've been victims of the corruption in our government just like everyone else.

    EDIT: Well after reading all these other responses it seems like there is a mixed response. I don't know what to tell you... while I was raised to believe differently I am sorry if other people create this perception; we are a good people who work hard to do the right thing.

  2. You're asking based on what you've heard from your parents/ The media in your country/ You basically did not just research this and decide to come to us. If you want to know the  truth, the American government generally DOES rule all other governments.  

  3. Those americans who think that are down right ignorant...they think that just because we currently have the strongest military and the capability to destroy the planet we control everything.

    However although the USA does not control the world they DO however have alot of influence over a good deal of countries and have meddled in the affairs of several too.

    America has been in involved in putting up governements that are loyal to US intrests and does many shadowy things across the glove to better service the USA.

    On a corporate level the USA has a HUGE grip on the world too.

    If you talk about Circumcision well you must know America is not alone in that field....the UK and Australia among others also do it as a neonatal medical procedure, even your native Canada also still does it

  4. I didn't know we ruled the world.xD

    Please don't judge us off our government-most of us hate them too.

  5. okay.  First, what do you mean by old math?  Do you mean the fact that we use the imperial system?  Also, where do we mutilate helpless babies?  Are you talking about abortion?

    First and foremost, America is a super power; or at least was a short while ago.  While, I may not agree with all of the decisions that America has made, I am an American; and proud of it.  We are a capitalistic nation.  So much so that many of our international decisions are heavily weighed by economic variables.  But, all of the privileges, comforts and opportunities that you have are because of this system.  We are able to act unilaterally across international policies; because we can.  Our military might against tradition military forces is unmatched, and our importance to the world market allows us to do many things.  But, in the end, much of this is to favor big business.  

    There are a couple of things that I don't agree with.  The war.  America's refusal to sign the Kyoto Protocol.  And, how we treat and exploit Latin America.  

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