
Why do Americans us the wages excuse?

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when it comes to asking about working the jobs illegals do?

It doesn't look like low wages should be an excuse when some jobs pay up to $16+/hr. at a piece rate. Please explain this one to me.




  1. A 16 dollar an hour job for most illegals, are you out of your mind, my dad has an entire crew of illegals and the most he pays the leader of the crew is 12 dollars an hour, and the city inspectors consider that generous because a lot of them get paid by the day. Also that work is very labor intensive, there is no way i would want to do that job again.

  2. Americans don't want to work, nor take responsibility for their finances. Look at the foreclosure fiasco. How many homeowners took out loans they knew they coudn't d**n well afford, then start crying to the media that  it's all the fault of the lenders for making it soooo easy when the'r houses got foreclosed on? Pathetic. If I was unfortunate not to have a job, you can bet your azz I would be out there with them "illegals" picking fruit for $16 an hour instead of being on welfare or unemployment or expecting my government to bail me out.

    How can you be unemployed, with a starving family, and unpaid bills but yet refuse to work? I don't get it. Don't blame someone else for your lack of work ethics. Examine yourself and try to figure out why you won't take two minimum wage jobs to make ends meet.

  3. Because any other excuse would lead to arguement. Picking on minorities opens you up to politically incorrect behavior attacks. It's a scam by politicians and rich people.

  4. It's not an excuse it's a fact.

  5. Most people are willing to sweat, and the ones that claim "most people don't want to sweat, and won't"  are speaking for their lazy self and lazy family, not most of hard working America.

  6. I use this forum for a example ~ I see the same ppl making answers here day and night when do they work? Maybe if everbody on here went to work on the farms the US wouldn't need foreign workers. My husband works and he gots every excuse not 2 but he does. He didn't have a hard time getting a job either. Like you said in the original Q it's excuses. Not ALL Americans is lazy but some is and they tell their kids that their 2 good and smart to take jobs then the kids get big heads and won't do hard work.

  7. One explanation:

    In the '80's being a chef or a cook was a noble occupation, they could make between $12 to $15 an hour. Now in the 2000's their pay went down to $7 to 9 an hour because it is easy for some to hide there. Inflation goes rampant while these people see their purchase power disappear.

  8. Because if those wages weren't suppressed by the use of illegal immigrants, those jobs would probably be paying $20 per hour or more.

  9. I heard that construction business pays most illegals under the table so they don't have to pay for Health Care, so in the end the Illegals is getting more cash than a similar American working legally

  10. How about posting something from 2008 when the economy sucks. Not something a year and a half old. Scouring the internet for old material on a suspicious website with a single incident does nothing for your argument.

  11. I'd take this Harvard study over the two liberal rags you referenced

    Home / News / Local / Mass.  

    Report: Illegal immigrants resulted in lower wages for Arizonans

    Email|Print| Text size – + January 10, 2008

    PHOENIX—Illegal immigrants cost Arizonans at least $1.4 billion in lower wages in 2005, according to a new report.

    more stories like thisHarvard labor economist George Borjas' analysis released this week is the latest academic attempt to quantify the impact of illegal immigrants on the Arizona economy.

    His report was prepared for Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas as part of a lawsuit challenging the state's employer-sanctions law, which threatens to pull business licenses from companies that knowingly employ illegal immigrants.

    "Dr. Borjas is one of the nation's leading authorities on the effects of illegal immigration on the American economy," Thomas said. "His analysis demonstrates that enforcement of the employer-sanctions law will help to protect and potentially increase wages in Arizona, especially among lower-wage workers."

    One of the key assumptions Borjas makes is that immigrants -- both legal and illegal -- expand the labor pool and inevitably lower wages for American-born workers in the same job field.

    Borjas said the effects on labor pools ripple across cities and states.

    The drop in Arizona's wages was greatest for those who make the least, high-school dropouts and inexperienced workers, according to the report.

    For dropouts, wages for legal workers were 4.7 percent lower than they would be without illegal immigrants. Borjas found that dropouts earned $20,300 in 2005, about $950 less than they otherwise would have been, he calculated.

    By comparison, college-educated workers lost 0.9 percent, dropping their average income $590, to $65,100.

    All the numbers are estimates and are probably worse than projected, Borjas said.

    That's because federal officials likely undercounted the number of illegal immigrants, which Borjas estimates as 49 percent of the foreign-born residents in Arizona based on figures from the Department of Homeland Security.


  12. I think there are Americans willing to do the jobs illegals do. i dont know why everyone says they wont. look at all the people out of work right now. they are desperate to get back to work.

    Como estas, greasy? gracias por contestar mi pregunta ayer. pero no me digas "mija". y creo que tu eres un illegal

    p.s. by us do you mean use? whats a piece rate? aprende mas ingles por fa

    EDIT: fraggler, i will say it in english for you: How are you greasy? Thanks for answering my question yesterday, but dont call me "mija" and i think you are illegal. HAPPY??? Pioja, is that the best you can call me?

  13. Who do many people actually think we need 20 million + farm workers.  There are more illegals in this nation than jobs for them, it looks like even the illegals are getting more greedy and picky if they won't work those jobs.

  14. Lets see. According to the article they were paying $6.50 an hour (how did you get $16+/hr. from this?). No benifits (except free burial if you died in the fields.) Now add to the fact that criminal invaders don't need workmans comp or insurance or anything and you want to know why American don't get these jobs? Even at $8.50/hr. the farmers will hire a criminal invader over an American. The farmers got rid of the American workers to get cheaper criminal labor and now you want to know why the American workers don't come running back? These farmers can NOT be trusted!

  15. unfortunately, most people dont want to sweat, and won''s that simple..

  16. Most of what this member said cannot be substaniated.  But it is very correct to understand that after so many years of abuse of that particular working group, American Citizens have been run off.  And while this member suggests it is an excuse, there is a great deal of documentation from Federal, State and local authorities that illegal aliens diminish the wage level in any community they invade.

  17. Because the more of the illegals that flood across the border and take American jobs lower the hourly rate for everyone. It's supply and demand, too. And then the illegals suck the U.S. government teat for free healthcare, free housing, free food stamps, and free education. Enough is enough. Build the fence and kick them out.

  18. Fraggler,

    "And I happen to be American, thank you."

    I can tell by your Spanish -

    "probablemente no tiene los cajones"

  19. The 1st guy answered your question pretty well.

    I would also add the the work (construction) preformed by illegal mexicans is usually not quality.

  20. If there were no illegals in this country the work they do would still get done. It would get done by legal immigrants as well as American citizens. The catch is that illegal immigrants accept lower wages because they are still making a whole lot more here than from their home countries.  And companies use them to increase their profits. The American worker is thus undermined by both illegal immigrants and those who employ them.

  21. No offense but if  you are a  native born American Citizen with the same  working skills qualifications of   a illegal alien, then, you are in big trouble my friend.

    A born American citizen must have a least a higher level of education, where, he   does not have to compete with illegal aliens.

    We are in the 21 Century and most hard labor jobs will go always or will get overflow by large amount of cheap labor.

    Again, If you are a native born citizen and can not see that,then you must be totally out sync with reality

  22. ok, here's how it goes:

    A long time ago, not that many illegals roamed the area. So there were plenty of jobs to hand out to the country's citizens. And the country was flourishing and thriving. And then one day a whole bunch of people heard about this country and decided they wanted it to. So they came by boat or by land, and they traveled to this country. And this country, thinking it was doing good, gave these people, who didn't belong, jobs.

    And then bad things started happening. Companies figured if they hired illegals they wouldn't have to pay much for work. Which all companies now, that in order to save money they need to hire illegals. The next thing you know this countries citizens didn't have jobs. And the ones that did have jobs saw their jobs going down the drain. Money was ok, but not as good as it once was.

    And more and more illegals came because they heard of the good things that were happening to their relatives and friends. And more and more of the citizens, who deserved these jobs, lost their jobs, lost their homes, and they saw their families suffer.

    And you know why, because these illegal invaders came into the country and took everything that belonged to them.

    That's why we worry about wages.

  23. Because we Americans (and yes I include myself) are LAZY. We don't want to work in the hot sun all day long when we can sit in a nice air conditioned office and make the same amount of money. That is why and there is no other reason so everyone in this country needs to stop complaining about how the immigrants are taking our jobs away. You don't want to do them anyway.

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