
Why do Anglos fear Latino-Hispanic Power ?

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Why do Anglos fear Latino-Hispanic Power ?




  1. Third would culture and youth joing gangs at 19 times the

    rate of cauks

  2. As a long time south Florida resident, I believe I have lot of insight into this. It is because of conflicting cultural norms. Here are examples.

    "These stupid Gringos with all their stupid rules. And they are stupid enough to actually expect people to follow them! I laugh at them! They are too stupid to live! There is nothing wrong with cheating such silly naive people."

    "I moved to an Anglo neighborhood and it was creepy. Everyone was so quiet! You never heard any voices or music coming from people's houses and when they talk, they talk so soft. It's like whispering! And then they have the nerve to complain that my family is too noisy. THEY are the ones who are weird, not US. This is how we do things, and they are going to have to get used to it."

    The people who said these things were, and still are my friends. However, they are no longer my neighbors as I eventually came to consider most Spanish speaking people to be poor neighbors. This isn't fear, it is merely the desire not to be surrounded by people who see nothing wrong with inflicting their unnecessary noise pollution on their neighbors and who feel no obligation to adapt the social norms in place such as keeping your children off your neighbor's property, controlling your animals, and waiting your turn.

    My family bought property in Hialeah in the early 1950s. In the 1970s I could go to city hall for a building permit or to pay my water bill, and no one would speak to me in English. I have since become fairly fluent in Spanish, but how could such an occurrence NOT lead to resentment of my new neighbors? When I go shopping in Spanish neighborhoods and don't let on that I understand Spanish, I realize that I am being charged a higher price than Spanish speaking customers. I love asking "por que?" and hearing the lame excuses.

    While I don't agree with jingoistic xenophobia, a lot of the dislike of Spanish speakers here is south Florida is just and righteous -- it was earned. When the attitude is "You don't like the way we act? Fine, don't like it all you want but we aren't going to change" then it's disingenuous to complain that the Anglos don't like you.

    Added later: Kelly has a point. Drive through Hialeah late Saturday afternoon. Look at the auto parts stores. The parking lot is knee deep is discarded packaging and auto parts while the rubbish bins are nearly empty. Why would anyone want to live next door to litter bugs? This isn't hate and fear, it's disgust and revulsion for filthy habits. If Spanish people don't like being characterized as dirty, then they should stop being dirty. Duh.

  3. I can not speak for all but I for one do not fear anything about latinos.

  4. The only power is the over production of babies we tax payers have to subsidize

  5. Because they paint their houses weird bright colors and litter something fierce and settle disagreements with neighbors in  knife fights.  And that's just Belaire.

  6. I don't. what i fear is the mindset that a person can break the law and not expect a punishment. why do mexico and other hispanic countries not treat anglos the same. could an american citizen think they could walk into mexico and live and have no problems. no, 1 1/2 - 3 years in jail is their policy. seems like the illegal community would do more to bring their own country up instead of bringing ours down.

  7. Why do Latino-Hispanic people think "Anglos" fear them?  I live in Miami sweetheart if that were true I would never leave my apartment.

  8. I am terrified of the flatulence caused by bean/cheese mexicans.

  9. Source please

  10. because they know we don't mind putting a bullet through their skulls if they get stupid with us

    and yes we like to party and yes when we come to this country we laugh at how g*y you are that is the way it should be you people are sad with your loneliness and social inequacy

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