I have lived in many different places and had roommates for all around the world such as, American, Mexican, Indian, Australian, European, Russian, Arabs, Africans, and Asians. The only roommates on numerous different occasions that won't socialize with me are Asian FOB. They treat me as a stranger living with them, and they eat in their bedroom and never come out. I feel as if every man for himself, why don't Asian Fob's loosen up and enjoy life a little with people who are from different races. Is it because they are racist? Is it because I am not from there country? Is it because they live in fear in a western country? I don't understand why they leave there country in the first place if they are not going to accept and learn the culture of the country they are in.
Asians that grew up in a western country are not like that Asian Fobs.
I don’t want answers in defense of Asian Fobs; I just want to understand Asians FOB's and why they think there culture is superior to all cultures?