
Why do Atheists get shunned for simply saying what's pretty obvious...?

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but then theists try to explain all this stuff that is so complex and down to the t, that we are supposed to believe it. What makes more sense, something we can test(like it rained because of.........(insert giant paragraph here) or something we can't prove (god did it). I like what James Randi said about it...."we no longer have any sky gods because we know what makes it rain" we have this giant abundance of information that is ever changing and ever growing, why don't we go with that instead of some idea that you hold to the ground about? In other words, you're right, no one else is right, everyone else who thinks differently is bad news. Can't we just accept physical evidence instead of emotional grandeur and delusional resistant thoughts of a deity? In my own opinion, Nature is so brilliant and is so amazing, that no perfect person would created it. Because perfect never changes, it's done, it's reached it's peak, we obviously didn't and we obviously won't.




  1. yak yak yak....

  2. Sounds like you have your own ideas you will not budge on too.

    There are many people on both sides of the fence who are close minded, and many people on both sides who are open minded.

    Actually those who say we cannot test for an intelligent creator are being terribly obtuse.

    You test things for intelligence every day, but apply two totally different sets of rules when it fits your worldview to do so.

    In other words, you are not being consistent. You find an old arrowhead in the forest, and determine it was made by an intelligent being because of the complexity and specificity of the handiwork.

    You come across a watch, and you determine it is the handiwork of an intelligent being because of it's complexity and specificity.

    You look at the human brain and say, it is the most complex and specified thing made. Must be lucky undirected forces that created it.

    You write whole books to try to explain this inconsistency in your thinking, you tangle yourself up in contradicting philosophies masquerading as science in order to explain it, but you can't.

    It is completely inconsistent reasoning, and you have no real explanation other than your personal desire to answer to no God.  

  3. No offense, but I see atheists do the same thing... any religion at that. Both sides are guilty and both sides feel like they are right. We all need to learn to respect other people's beliefs and treat each other with kindness.

  4. its takes way more faith not to believe in God than to believe in him. God set up this world in an amazing way how everything works and lines up together. How would life start if it wasn't for God creating it? how would an eye evolve? and a brain? and which came first? and how would a mouth be formed if it didn't have a brain yet? it doesnt make since to say there is no God. Plus for me, my personal experience has changed my life. I have felt the Lords presence many many times and it is the best feeling you could ever imagine, although wherever we go and wherever we are in the world we are always in Gods presence but its when you really draw near to him he will draw near to you and you just know its true because once you receive Jesus into your life he gives you the Holy Spirit to live in your life and it is hard to explain but just very awesome so know matter what you say or believe you cannot deni God and anyone who has experienced Jesus in a personal way cannot EVER be told otherwise because they know the truth. Hope you find the truth before its to late. peace

  5. just because im an atheist it doesnt mean u know what i think or say so theres no point on me answering this question

  6. Uhh..."pretty obvious" only to those who are pretty oblivious..

  7. What Else Could Have Created Us?

    Do You Believe We Evolved?

  8. Because people believe what they want to believe, and they want so badly for it to be right that they shun anyone who disagrees with them because than their is doubt that their beliefs might be wrong.  

  9. And that's your entire problem. God isn't something that can be measured or tested in a laboratory.

    And s***w James Randi. That old fossil just needs to die and get it over with.

  10. Fear not love is the biggest influential factor in religion regardless of what evidence is put forth "burning in eternal torment" still works well enough to shock people into being very unreasonable.

  11. Religion is a delusion supported by very rational people who know the power it gives them over the delusional. The financial gain that leaders of religiouss organizations experience make it very tempting for some very smart people to get involved, as ispaedophiliaa and other enticements. If looked at rationally, a person who believes in a supreme being and all the stuff that goes along with it would have his/her condition written up in the DSM.

  12. It may be obvious for you, but for other people, they have their own thoughts. We all have our own thoughts, beliefs, opinions, there are just other people who like to feel superior for what they believe, so not everyone will "shun" Atheists.

  13. "Shunned"?  With whom are you conversing?  The Amish?

  14. Yahoo suggests that I put EVERYTHING in LGBT...

    Oh and I agree

  15. so true

  16. To tell someone that they have been wrong all their lives, or that their parents were wrong is a hard blow. It's not something easily accepted. People believe what they are bombarded with if it can be put in an acceptable format. Since the masses rarely look past snippets and sound bites anymore, very few take the time to really know what they are professing to believe. Changing their minds, especially while asking them to research something, is nearly impossible.

    With more and more of our entertainment sources leaning toward an atheistic viewpoint, you will find more and more people also leaning in that direction. There are many people out there that profess to be one religion or another but never actually practice what they profess to be. If they did, there would not be the staggering numbers of teen pregnancies, unwed domestic situations and inmates that profess to be Christian.

  17. Simple...

    The Truth Hurts.

  18. people are just stupid

  19. Some atheists get shunned for the same reason some Christians get shunned, they state what they state in rude, arrogant, and condescending manners.

    As to why it was trying to put it in g*y, L*****n, etc. I suspect it is looking for keywords such as shunned and nature.

  20. Obviously, because it's not obvious to the obviously delusional.

  21. Never ask a, " Person of Faith ",  a Loaded Question Unless your willing to be, " Shot ", with an Honest Answer.

  22. It's as simple as this... You can believe whatever you want... I just know I don't want to be face down in a boiling pool of h**l blood for eternity when I die. God is great.

  23. Religion excels at programming and brain washing their followers.  

    The leaders start children at an early age so that by the time they are adults, they are fully programmed to believe that the "rain was caused by god" or that Hurricane Katrina came about to punish the homosexuals in the parade in New Orleans.

    Only those with a clear, open mind and critical thinking skills will question what they are told.

    Thus education, especially higher education (college) is a threat to religion.

  24. Don't you know yet that you aren't supposed to point out the obvious?

    We can't call things what they really are, that would damage the fantasy.

  25. I accept fossil remains ("physical evidence") for what they are: proof that those species once existed.  To me it doesn't prove man evolved from that.  

  26. I agree with everything you said

    And they suggest to put pretty much everything in that section...

  27. Because, sadly, we live in a predominantly Christian, and therefor intolerant, society...

    Makes free thought difficult. :(

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