but then theists try to explain all this stuff that is so complex and down to the t, that we are supposed to believe it. What makes more sense, something we can test(like it rained because of.........(insert giant paragraph here) or something we can't prove (god did it). I like what James Randi said about it...."we no longer have any sky gods because we know what makes it rain"...so....since we have this giant abundance of information that is ever changing and ever growing, why don't we go with that instead of some idea that you hold to the ground about? In other words, you're right, no one else is right, everyone else who thinks differently is bad news. Can't we just accept physical evidence instead of emotional grandeur and delusional resistant thoughts of a deity? In my own opinion, Nature is so brilliant and is so amazing, that no perfect person would created it. Because perfect never changes, it's done, it's reached it's peak, we obviously didn't and we obviously won't.