
Why do Atheists say:?

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That they need evidence? (Of the bible God)

I mean, Yes. Their IS NO "exact" evidence that would say that God exist... (I'm not going to tell you that the earth is proof) But... Why can't you leave us be? I personally have never said anything bad about Atheist because I WAS one.

I say that ALL religions, (even non-religious) need to stop this fighting between each other.

All the Atheist who say we are "not sane." "ignorant" and "he's an invisable man."

All the Christians who say that "Atheists are stupid" Or try to convert everyone,

Why can't people love eachother?

My questions:

Why do atheists say they need evidence? (I would like evidence myself, but when I got it, I was satisfied.)

Why can't all religions just apologize to each other?




  1. I'm an atheist, but I don't ask for proof of God.  When people say the Bible is proof, then I just don't argue.  I don't decide by people's religion if I want to be friends with them.

    Now that I've answered yours, can you answer mine?  Anyone?;...

  2. live and let live!

    freedom of speech, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

    what i believe doesnt affect you and i dont give a d**n what YOU believe.

    isnt that the way things should be?

  3. They will never accept any evidence anyone might offer. Even if God Himself showed up, they'd say he's just some crazy man.

    Bottom line: they don't want to believe. Fine. They don't have to. They'll find out someday....though of course by then it will be too late.

    I don't believe the moon is made of cheese, either, but I don't get upset by people who do. It just doesn't affect me.  A lot of "atheists" go around expressing all this hostility toward believers. In my experience, the one with the hostility is the one with the issues.

  4. I would have no problems with your beliefs (as delusional as I think they are), if other Christians didn't try to get them included in science classroom curricula or used as a basis for forming laws discriminating against non-believers.

  5. Because there is no evidence.

  6. Ok, I'm an atheist Buddhist, and I don't need evidence that your god exists.  I am not now, nor have I ever been, seeking salvation as you describe it.

    Why do religious folks always define atheists from a theist perspective?  There is no clear understanding there.  

  7. my dad is athiest,

    and i can tell you why they say that is becuase they are thick headed and arent open minded to things.  

  8. Honestly...what else do you believe in that there isn't a shred of evidence for?  

    There is no reason that you should give a magical sky Daddy a pass here.

  9. They can't because they cannot accept that someone else may be right. Everyone believes they are right or closer to the truth.

    Atheists need evidence that any god is more than just man's invention. I was a fundie for 30 years and did extensive study on not only Christianity but many other religions as well. Not one of the Theistic religions could show me anything but the hand of man from beginning to end.  

  10. Having no evidence is fine by me. I am not interested in what people believe except out of curiosity. What object to is (some) Christians who feel the have the right to brainwash children. Their own is bad enough but others too. Now they want the law to help them.

  11. Virgin births, walking on water, raising the dead, etc etc.

    I would demand proof of such.


    We aren't going to hold our breath.

  12. if believers kept their religion to themselves I'd be happy to leave them alone

    But too many want to mess up science, education, society with their unsubstantiated beliefs, and that just won't do.

  13. They would just need to die to find proper evidence for or against, but how do you conduct experiments when your dead?

  14. Atheists say that don't see any evidence WHEN ASKED WHY THEY DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD.  They don't go around knocking on believer's doors asking for evidence and don't start conversations with "Have you thought about how there's no evidence for your god?"  You ask a question, we'll answer.  It's not our fault if you don't like the answer.

  15. Because i feel sorry for people who have had god forced upon them by there familys.

  16. Good Question!  I think it's mostly the immature people on here who insist on fighting.  Most of the time you can find a few intelligent people on here who put genuine thought into their answers, that creates healthy debate which is always good.

  17. Well, I never bad mouth, Christians, and I don't believe in Philosophical fights either. for your question though there is evidence of the Bible being true, however all the contradictions of the "perfect" God outweigh everything and make the Bible untrue. I need evidence because if you don't need evidence to follow God, then you also don't need evidence to believe that raping children makes you live forever. I love science and and I live my life by science evidence is the very basis of science and I need it to follow anything. I also believe that all religions should come together but people get angry and so they fight.

  18. You say you got evidence and you were satisfied. So, Why do you question others for their need of evidence? also as a believer I think the bible directs you to spread the gospel, so you need to share that evidence that you found it may help change the mind of another atheist.

  19. I ask for it when ever people ask me why I don't believe. Other wise I am willing to leave people in peace.  

  20. I don't need evidence. I just like to listen to you guys tie yourself up in knots trying to explain the inexplicable.

  21. Very TRUE

    You can't explain Atheists, even they seem to be confused at time

    This atheist dude on Larry King even said he was confused at times.

    Though most won't admit it, they truly are

    I find it funny they think religious people are crazy

    I just find Crazy people are crazy, religious or not.

  22. Why does an athiest wanting proof to believe in a particular religion impact you? How are they not letting you be? It would seem to me those who practice religions do more to meddle with the lives of others (athiests and non) than athiests do.

    Your actual questions make no sense in the context of what you have written here. An athiest wants proof because they don't believe in a diety, and will continue to not believe unless faced with compelling evidence to the contrary.

    People can't love each other because of religious folks who feel they are called upon by God to change everyone else's mind.  

  23. you are not sane by mental terms your insane, by what you belive. a studys even indiacte people who dont belive in religious bullshit are smater than you.  

  24. I'm not going to answer this, rather I am going to point out why it's not worth trying:

    1) "...ALL religions, (even non-religious)..."

    2) "...invisable..."

    3) "...eachother..."

    4) "...I would like evidence myself, but when I got it, I was satisfied..."

    I won't blame this on religion though, there's another common denominator here... and it's very common.

  25. sorry :)

    I agree with you though. Let people believe what they want and lets all leave eachother alone. I have little interest in religion anyway.

  26. I need evidence of god's existence in order to believe because I base my life on evidence and not fairy tales or superstition. My request for evidence isn't just for religion but also for other extraordinary claims. But I don't feel I have to be a jerk when I ask for it. I think it would be good for all of us to remember that even though we don't respect someone's beliefs, we should respect the person and their right to choose their beliefs freely.

  27. We only say that when people ask us why we don't believe.  I lack belief in gods because there is no evidence of gods.

    And, not all of us go around calling religious people ignorant or insane.  

    (I save that kind of language for Fred Phelps types.)

  28. Do you believe everything you hear? No? Perhaps you require some evidence?

    I would happily live and let live, but right now people are trying to legislate their beliefs, trying to sneak their religion into science classes, and barring homosexual people from getting equal rights based on bronze-age superstition. That won't fly.

    Keep your beliefs in the private arena, and I won't touch them. Put them in the public arena, and be prepared to have them critically examined.

  29. evidence is useful in identifying fact from fiction

    horses exist.... as there is evidence for them

    unicorns do not exist... as there is no evidence for them

    that's how it works  

  30. That is what you get when you have over zealous believers who take it upon themselves to "spread" the word and start trying to convert anyone and anything.  This is not to suggest that there are no atheists who are just as fanatic to attack religions.

  31. Atheists do not say that they need evidence. They know that christians do not rely on evidence, and that christians dislike anything that actually has evidence. They say that christians want atheists to join them in believing in an invisible fairy friend, a little evidence would be nice, knowing how anathema the very idea of evidence is to christians.

    You ask why can't people love each other. If you are a christian, then surely you know the extremely violent history of the christian church, and surely you know how divisive christians are in the U.S. today. Why would you need to ask this question of atheists. You should be asking christians.
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